
A great deal of self-doubt is preventing you from putting a plan into action. Maybe you're afraid of what others will think of your efforts. Perhaps you don't have enough faith in your skills to carry this feat off. Whatever the reason for your hesitation, you should know your fears are unjustified. Ask a friend for a push in the right direction. This person's loving support will be a constant source of inspiration.

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It's hard to let go of the past when such a deep impression was made, but you must try. Otherwise, you'll find it practically impossible to craft a lifestyle that brings you joy and happiness. Don't let nostalgia or resentment cause you to give up on the future. The fact is, the days ahead could be among the most joyous ever. That seems hard to believe right now, but it's true. Make a positive change.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Public opinion is quite favourable right now, so you should take advantage of it. Surprising words of praise from an authority figure make you feel as though you're walking on air. Things may be strained on the home front, thanks to an overly optimistic relative who expects too much. Let this person down gently but firmly. Otherwise, you'll continue to fuel this person's unrealistic fantasies, which will lead to more trouble.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're extremely thirsty for adventure, but mundane plans could get in the way. Don't neglect a social commitment you made a long time ago, or you could alienate a good friend. Instead of brooding over what fun you could be having, throw yourself into the proceedings. Otherwise, you'll make everybody involved uncomfortable, including yourself. Never fear; you'll have another chance to play before the summer is officially over.

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Don't feel obligated to help another person at the expense of your own needs. Right now, you need to be saving your money, not spending it. Some may accuse you of being greedy, but that's only because they admire your financial savvy. You wouldn't be where you are today without careful planning. If you've failed to achieve the affluence you want, don't worry. The next year promises to be very lucrative.

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A desire for companionship shouldn't prompt you to alter your own opinions. Don't be afraid to disagree with a love interest, even if it causes some tension in your relationship. You're an extremely thoughtful, intelligent person. It's unnatural for you to hide your views, particularly if you're doing it to win someone's approval. If this person can't handle being with a smart partner, look for someone who can.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're happy to be of service to others, because it keeps your mind off of nagging worries. Perhaps the source of your anxiety rests in your spiritual life. Are you doing the sorts of things that make you feel enlightened and satisfied? If not, you've got to make some changes. Consider doing some volunteer work, or breaking off a relationship that interferes with your emotional well-being. Move out of the shadows and into the light.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your vivid imagination prompts you to embark on some exciting creative projects. Go ahead and let the kids get involved; their enthusiasm will enhance your own. If you don't have any young friends, you may want to play favourite songs from childhood while you work. The memories these tunes evoke will prompt you to add some interesting touches to your work, making it much more compelling. Express whatever comes to mind.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Well-meaning family members may discourage you from taking a professional risk. Go ahead and apply for a job that may be out of your league. The results may be better than you anticipate. If you're miserable in your current position, don't wait around until something better comes along. Otherwise, you could jeopardise your health and happiness. Be open-minded about taking a mundane job until the perfect career opportunity arrives.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're extremely curious right now, which could prompt you to take an adult education course. Don't sign up for a programme until you've shopped around a bit. It's important for you to find the right learning environment, or you'll get easily frustrated. Don't believe the hype in all those catalogues and advertisements. Interview students at various schools to find the one that is right for you. These people will have the real inside story.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You really want to expand your financial resources, but aren't sure how. Paradoxically, you may get the best results by helping others. Reaching out to friends and neighbours who need help with various chores will make them feel indebted to you. This will result in everything from job offers to learning opportunities to investment tips. When good fortune knocks on your door, it won't be an accident. Consider it a reward.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're a bit moody, which makes people wonder what has got into you lately. Normally, you're such a sweet, sensitive person. Today, you could actually snap at someone you admire or adore. If this happens, issue an immediate apology, and examine your emotions. Maybe the person you're really angry with is yourself. You need to get out and have a good time. Put your responsibilities aside and do something fun for a change.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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