
Don't rush a relative into an important decision. Even if you think you know what is best for this family member, your priorities may be very different. Be respectful of their choice. You may have more success with a financial institution. This is a good time to apply for a bank loan. You can get generous terms, especially if you put your negotiating skills to work. If you don't like the first person you deal with, ask to speak with another representative.

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Don't let social anxiety stop you from attending a party. Prepare yourself with some topics of conversation before walking into a big group. This will give you the necessary confidence to interact with strangers. You may hit it off with a loner who prefers keeping a low profile. Seeking their company may be one of the best decisions you'll make all year. The two of you have similar values and a shared love of creature comforts. Arrange to go to dinner together.

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Business transactions involving art, music and entertainment will be successful. Don't be upset if a big contract falls through. You'll be able to attract steady customers through hard work and dedication. Resist the urge to make inflated promises. Committing to an unrealistic deadline will be an exercise in futility. Quoting fair prices and practical deadlines will pave the way for a brisk business that will be extremely lucrative. Focus on generating a spirit of goodwill in the community.

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Matters of the heart will be more rewarding than work. If you're in love, confess your feelings to the object of your affection. There's a good chance your admission will be well received. Are you already in a relationship? Your partner may have wonderful news regarding a creative project. Beware of getting into a power struggle with your boss. Their erratic behaviour is affecting your work performance. It may be wise to seek another job. You're tired of walking on eggshells.

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Gaining admission to a society or club may not be possible. Try to stay philosophical. You'll receive a great deal of emotional and financial support from family. Lean on relatives for help when your self esteem plunges. In time, you'll be ready to pick yourself up and try again. Don't set your heart on a particular institution. The Universe may be steering you to a more suitable place. Widen your search and keep an open mind. Be honest about your background and experience.

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Don't borrow money from a friend. This obligation will only add unnecessary complications to your relationship. If you require additional funds, you could land a job working as an assistant for a local business owner. Working behind the scenes will be rewarding. You'd rather be left to your own devices than thrust into the spotlight. Be ready to set healthy boundaries with someone who tries to change your work methods. Working at your own pace allows you to produce results that are undeniably impressive.

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A business or romantic partner is threatened by your career. You're not ready to leave a job that gives you great pleasure. If forced to choose, you will probably pick your job over the relationship. You've worked long and hard to get to this point in your career. Don't give up now, when you're just about to have a breakthrough. It won't be necessary to buy an expensive computer, car or phone to get ahead. Rely on your own talent to attract fame and acclaim.

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A colleague who you don't respect may be the only person able to help you with an unusual task. Put your scepticism aside for the sake of professionalism. You may be surprised at how quickly and easily they dispatch this task. If you play your cards right, you can get some advanced training from this technological hotshot. Be willing to put your methods aside for the sake of learning a new technique. Don't let your ego interfere with your personal growth.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Money problems can put pressure on a romantic relationship. The two of you have to reach a compromise between spending and saving. If your amour has a problem with gambling, you may want to separate before your funds are put in jeopardy. Are you looking for love? You could find it with someone who is considerably younger or older. This generational difference will actually enhance your union. You enjoy looking at life from a different perspective.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A relative's erratic behaviour is taking a toll on your love life. You have to stop coming to this family member's rescue all the time. If they make unreasonable requests of your time, set a healthy boundary. When that boundary is disobeyed, break ties from this pest. You have a choice between being dutiful and being happy. Pick the latter, even if it makes you feel guilty at first. As time goes by, you'll feel a lot better about your decision.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A colleague's angry outburst makes you realise something has to change at work. Don't sweep this incident under the rug. Report it to your superiors. If you have to fill out a report, so be it. There's no reason you should put up with this outrageous behaviour. Are you the person in charge? You may have no other choice but dismiss this troublemaker. Don't poison the well with an angry malcontent. The sooner this worker leaves your midst, the healthier your work environment will become.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You may never get money from a job you performed some time ago. Let this be a lesson about doing business with friends. If you're going to strike a deal, you must sign a contract. Fortunately, your business or romantic partner is doing extremely well financially. With their help, you'll be able to pay some outstanding bills on your account. Resist the urge to get drawn into a power struggle with a dramatic colleague who tends to exaggerate their problems.

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