
Bothering with minor details is a hassle, but it needs to be done if you're going to do a good job. Colleagues are counting on you to do your part. Complaining about your situation will only alienate you from those who could potentially help you. If you're not feeling very well, it could be because you're not getting enough nutritious meals. Get into the habit of fixing healthy salads instead of buying fast food.

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Someone who expresses an interest in your hobbies may be trying to win your heart. Before you get excited about finding a compatriot, find out what this person really knows about these interests. You should feel flattered if it turns out they've been bluffing. Let down your guard a little and see what happens. While you may have little in common, that shouldn't stop you from becoming friends. It's time to diversify!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're facing some tough competition, but don't let it get you down. Just because you haven't been given all the preparation you needed as a child doesn't mean you're out of the running. The fact is, you learn extremely quickly. By focusing on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses, you can outshine your rivals with no trouble. Don't let a gloomy relative convince you that you're destined to fail.

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Although you may not have all the answers, that shouldn't stop you from pursuing a project. Put yourself at the mercy of an expert who can share their wisdom. Just being around such a person will benefit you. True, you may feel at a constant disadvantage with them, but sooner or later, you'll come into your own. In the meantime, don't set impossible goals. The smaller your aims, the more progress you'll make.

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A person who is extremely wealthy could make you feel inadequate and ashamed. Before you plunge into the depths of despair, consider what you have that this character does not. There's more to life than constantly acquiring things. If you do want to accumulate wealth, you can do so by drawing upon your non-material resources. Ask friends and relatives for support with a business venture. A little faith will take you a long way.

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Making a compromise is essential if you're going to cement relations with a loved one. Although you have a certain way of doing things, that shouldn't get in the way of your bond. Let your partner do things in a messy, disorganised way if they so choose. Nagging them will only create resentment. When it's their turn to take care of responsibilities, spend your time on pleasant diversions like sports and hobbies.

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You're tired of working so hard without any rewards, and with good reason. A cooperative person like you often gets overlooked because loud trouble-makers grab all the attention. Instead of doing what you're expected, make a fuss. This may be the only way you can make others appreciate how much you contribute to the organisation. At first you'll hate being disagreeable, but your discomfort will go away once you get the respect you deserve.

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You're intent on having a good time, but a friend could undermine your efforts. It's possible this person is acting up because they're jealous of your good fortune. If that's the case, refuse to feel guilty about your situation. The fact is, you've worked hard to get where you are. Now you deserve a little fun. If your pal doesn't choose to join in, it's their problem, not yours. Seek out more pleasant companions.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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There's only so much you can do to support your family; at some point, you need to be independent. Breaking away from a restrictive situation may be difficult, but it's the only way you can realise your full potential. Once you see just how far you can go, those nagging fears will subside. In the meantime, distance yourself from people who call your actions selfish and unfair. They're only trying to break your resolve.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You need to get a formal education if you're going to advance to the next level. Although you may have a lot of practical experience, it won't impress certain authority figures. Go ahead and get a degree or certification if it means a higher salary or more prestigious work. Some sacrifice will be involved in the short-term, but the eventual rewards will be worth it. Consider this an investment in your own happiness.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Competing with others doesn't usually appeal to you, but it does today. You need a standard against which to measure your own talents. Don't be afraid to take on an expert. If you lose, you'll gain valuable experience. If you win, you'll distinguish yourself as a powerful force in your chosen field. Either way, you will have learned something about yourself. The best test of character is venturing into unfamiliar territory.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you feel like you're being pushed into a decision, put on the brakes. You need to come to a conclusion based on your own thoughts, feelings, and needs. Yes, your actions may force others to postpone their plans, but it's better than accepting a situation just to please the public. Asserting yourself will win the grudging respect of your peers. Look after your own interests; nobody else will do it for you.

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