
Your mind is racing. It can be difficult to sleep because you have so many concerns. Instead of trying to solve all your problems, take a deep breath. Stay in the moment. List three things for which you are grateful. Suddenly, your anxiety will vanish into thin air. That's because you will realise you have everything you require to succeed. Any voids will be filled the moment you rest, relax and enjoy life. Have faith, the Universe will share its endless bounty with you.

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You are calling your values into question. Goals that once filled you with excitement now seem meaningless. Don't be afraid to change direction. Spending more time with friends, leaving a stressful job and taking up a new hobby are among the possibilities. People who know you well will be excited to see your zest for life return. Stuffier types who are obsessed with appearances will call your judgement into question. Stop trying to impress these traditionalists.

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You feel an overwhelming desire to change your image. You're tired of being misunderstood and underestimated. Taking a more emotional approach to important issues will turn things around for you. Everybody knows you have tons of facts and figures at your disposal. It's only when you give an impassioned speech they will rally to your side. Being more forthcoming about your feelings is also critical in your personal life. Tell your best friend or romantic partner how much you care.

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It feels like you're on your own. Fortunately, you're an extremely capable person. Finding a solution to a stubborn problem will make your confidence soar. Once you've conquered this issue, you can set your sights on an elusive dream. Take this opportunity to land your dream job, buy a beautiful home or travel to an exotic land. You'll encounter some obstacles along the way, but they won't discourage you. That's because you'll be riding high from your recent victory.

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Catching up with old friends will be lots of fun. Recently, you've been so busy with work that your social life has suffered. It's time to rectify this problem. Take some time off from your labours and visit loved ones. It's easy to relax with people who have known you a long time. Instead of taking offense at your jokes, they will take your teasing in the right spirit. Being surrounded by this positive energy will fuel your creativity. Get started on a long delayed project.

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It's time to finish old business. If you're working with a difficult client, deliver what you have promised and then end the relationship. No amount of money in the world is worth this stress. Are you having second thoughts about your job? Start looking for a new one, but don't discuss your job search in public. Keep your efforts under wraps. The last thing you want is for a rival to get wind of your plans. The element of surprise is critical to your success.

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If you have been experiencing hardship at every turn, it's time to make a change. Attracting luck is a matter of generating positive energy. If you feel bowed down by hassles do some charity work. Perform an act of kindness for a stranger. Compliment someone who feels undervalued. You'll feel immediately better once you shine some light into the world. Exciting surprises are heading your way as soon as you let down your defences. See a disappointment as a learning opportunity.

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Intimacy issues must be addressed. Things you enjoyed in the past have given way to new ideas. Invite your amour to take a more experimental approach in the bedroom. This will breathe life into your relationship. Are you single? A former romantic interest will try to reconnect with you. Although it's flattering to be desired, you have no intention of reviving this union. You want a partner who has a good sense of humour about their shortcomings. Catering to a fragile ego lost its charm ages ago.

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Old issues you thought were resolved in a relationship will resurface. You may not have realised it, but your best friend or romantic partner has been burying their resentments. If you sense some tension, ask your loved one to put their cards on the table. Be willing to hear some painful truths. You've always prized honesty. Let this be an opportunity to own up to your weaknesses and correct some injustices. Don't make deprecating comments at another person's expense.

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This is a good time to reorganise your work space. Get rid of old papers, stow important ones that you rarely use into storage and keep everything else in easily accessed files. Invest in a comfortable work chair. Hang inspiring artwork at eye level. This project will delay your work at first. Once you get everything in place, your productivity will soar. Are you seeking employment? You can get some lucrative assignments from a previous employer. Reconnect with a former boss.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If you hit a creative block, don't panic. Let your imagination be dormant for a while. Turn your attention to mundane chores that have fallen through the cracks. When you get bored, take trips to places that feed your senses. A walk through a flower garden, a visit to the flea market or a drive through the country can be inspiring. Soon, you'll be rushing back to your work area. At that point, you can put the finishing touches on an abandoned project.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Make your home into a reflection of your values. You will thrive in a place that invites you to rest, relax and dream. Overly formal rooms will inhibit your imagination. Opt for soft textures, undulating lines and dim lights. Have plenty of places where you can curl up and listen to music. Invest in at least one comfortable reading chair. You don't have to spend lots of money to achieve the effect you want. If you need artwork, create it yourself.

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