
You simply can't agree with a business or romantic partner. The two of you have very different ideas about exerting power. You take a direct approach, while your partner prefers a more subtle method. There are benefits to both ways. You tend to yield results much more quickly. Your partner, on the other hand, takes a much longer time to cross the finish line, but when they do, the reward is significant. Consider taking a back seat to your colleague, just this once.

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You feel cold and distant from your colleagues, which is really troubling. As much as you'd love to feel like a bona fide member of the team, you just can't bring yourself to pretend to be someone you are not. Actually, you can forge stronger bonds with your fellow workers without compromising your character. It's just a matter of taking risks. Ask someone out for coffee or a drink. If you get turned down, try again. Your persistence will pay off, and be a source of admiration.

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Someone who is acting unfriendly actually genuinely admires you. Unfortunately, their cold attitude has a bad effect on you. You have no interest in winning someone's affection. Follow your instincts. Developing a creative project will be a welcome distraction. A friend who is undergoing a difficult time needs your help. Try not to pass judgement on their poor decisions, and just lend a sympathetic ear. Being a good listener doesn't seem like a big deal, but it is really.

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Stop letting others claim you are weak and self indulgent. You are emotionally honest. When you're hurt or troubled, you say so. This causes others enormous discomfort. There's no law that says life always should be comfortable By speaking your truth, you'll be able to forge relationships and develop talents that repressed people never can. Your ability to own your feelings is one of your greatest strengths. Stop treating it like a weakness.

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You're tired of a friend who is always raining on your parade. Any time you get excited about something, this pessimist is on hand to call you delusional. It's getting to the point where you dread their company. Maybe it's time to take a temporary break. You don't have to make a dramatic announcement. Just don't be available the next time you're asked to meet. There are better things to do than condole with a perpetual cynic.

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You feel hemmed in by your job. Although you enjoy earning steady pay, you're tired of deferring to someone who is less talented and creative. It's difficult to pursue your interests when you come home feeling tired and dispirited. You do owe it to yourself to pursue the activities you love. Try getting up earlier in the morning, if only to write for a half hour before going to work. Eventually, those short paragraphs will turn into an intriguing novel, screenplay, or memoir.

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A colleague seems superficial and lazy. This causes you to constantly check on their work. You're terrified their poor performance will reflect on you. Unfortunately, your attitude is hurting your relationship. The sooner you relax and let your colleagues follow their instincts, the happier you will be with each other. Each of you has unique strengths and weaknesses. This creates a healthy balance that will benefit you both. If something does fall through the cracks, don't worry. You'll have a chance to redeem the mistake.

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You're not especially eager to share finances. Keeping separate bank accounts gives you peace of mind, but it will create problems within your relationship. Maybe your fears are justified. It's possible your partner is irresponsible with money. If that's the case, the two of you must sit down and talk things through. Just because one of you doesn't value money doesn't mean things can't work out for you. It just means you have different ideas about what's important.

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Your idea of fun is diametrically opposed to that of an older friend. At times, you wonder how the two of you ever connected in the first place. The truth is you respect your loved one's experience. Their wisdom has helped you withstand some really difficult times. In turn, your joie de vivre has helped lighten a friend's load. Remember these attributes the next time you question the value of this friendship. It's the differences that make you special to each other, not your similarities.

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Heavy demands are being placed on you. There's no reason you can't expect things from your taskmasters. If you need more time to complete projects, say so. Do you want more pay? Request a raise. Is your work environment stifling? Ask for a better office. Work is a reciprocal arrangement. If you do all the giving and none of the taking, people will take advantage of you. Start demanding what you are worth. The sooner you do this, the easier it will be to fulfil your responsibilities.

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Although your methods are unconventional, they are effective. That's why you are so exasperated by someone who plays by the book. There is a reason they are considered an expert in their field. Still, you'd like to get a little credit for your contributions. The next time you hear a sniping remark about your process, defend yourself. Be blunt about how their comments make you feel, and how stupid these criticisms are. That will put an end to the abuse.

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You prefer to go on instinct than logic, which is a real problem for a loved one. Your friend is constantly worried you will do something reckless or stupid. Your intuition is a wonderful measure; it gives you information others can't understand or appreciate. Stop apologising for your approach to life. Everybody has different strengths. One of yours is the ability to read a situation by simply tuning in to your environment. If you could bottle this gift, you'd be a millionaire.

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