
You're so focused on the details of a project that you may not be paying enough attention to the big picture. Tear yourself away from work so that you can re-examine why you're doing it in the first place. It's entirely possible that you've been putting too much pressure on yourself. Achieving perfection is an exercise in futility. It's better to do as much as you can in the limited time you've been given.

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An emotional confrontation with a loved one could result from your paying too much attention to money matters. Although finances are important, they shouldn't command your attention all day. Spending more time on your relationship will allow you and your partner to forge a compromise regarding spending. Perhaps the person in question is running up big bills as a means of getting your attention.

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It's difficult for you to help others when you have such heavy responsibilities of your own. By stepping away from your own chores, however, you'll discover the wisdom of assisting others. It may not be so difficult to get assistance with further projects once you lend a helping hand to a friend, neighbour, or relative. Don't think in terms of even exchanges. Just give with an open heart, and see what happens.

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You may have to deal with a lot of red tape today, which can take a toll on your health. Make sure you eat a big breakfast before setting out, or you may suffer from hunger pangs while waiting in a long line. It's probably a good idea to bring along a nutritious snack, just in case you have to wait longer than you thought. Call ahead to determine exactly what documents you'll need.

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Spending all of your time with friends could be depriving a child of needed love and affection. Scale back from group activities so that you can focus on what is really important. Turning your back on a hobby in order to please pals isn't right. If you catch yourself neglecting your favourite activities, you may want to ask what you gain by hanging around these pals. Seek out less judgmental people.

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Career demands have prevented you from attending to domestic chores. This can put a lot of strain on you, because you hate to be surrounded by clutter. Investing in a cleaner might not be a bad idea, at least for the short term. With all the hours you are putting in at work, you can probably afford somebody to come in and straighten up your abode. Life will seem far less hectic when your home is in order.

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The desire to get a degree or broaden your horizons is admirable, but don't forget to attend to mundane chores. Just because you have undertaken impressive work does not mean you can neglect your daily responsibilities. You have to pull your weight just like everybody else. Neglecting neighbours and siblings is an especially bad idea right now. You may need these people when you're not in a position to help yourself.

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Dealing with dramatic changes can be extremely tiring, but don't give up hope just yet. You may be so overwhelmed by work that you've neglected the people and activities you love. Give yourself a break and abandon yourself to pleasure. A single day of research, reading, or socialising could make a tremendous difference to your psyche. The longer you go without taking a break, the more oppressive your duties will become.

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You may be entrusted with the care of a loved one, which is quite intimidating. You're not sure if you're the right person for the job. By looking deep within yourself, however, you will realise that you have certain talents that allow you to perform this job beautifully. Let your natural humour bubble to the surface at all times. Laughter is definitely the best medicine. Fortunately, you can provide huge doses of this.

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Lately, you've had so much work that you've begun to tackle it like a robot. If you stop just for a moment, though, you'll realise that your routine isn't making you happy. Make time for solitary pleasures that will recharge your batteries. Taking nature walks or working on craft projects can help clear your head when life becomes too difficult. Avoid volatile people who sap you of every ounce of energy.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A lack of romance in your life is causing your spirits to drag. You're not the most sentimental person in the world, but you do need to be admired and pampered from time to time. Schedule a fun night out on the town with friends. Their cheerful spirits will help take the focus off of your troubles. By the end of the evening, you'll be your usual bubbly self, and be able to attract love.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A tendency to look at the dark side may prevent you from finding a good job. It's hard to find golden opportunities when you're so focused on your personal problems. Instead of letting your worries drag you down, refuse to be held hostage by them. Act as though you're not fazed by money troubles. A show of confidence may be all you need to break down employment barriers. Fortunately, you're a great actor.

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