
Having a sounding board will help you turn a good idea into a great one. You're impatient to implement a concept but there is still much work to be done. Collaborating with people who have experience will be helpful, provided you're able to set your ego aside. When someone criticises your proposal, they're not putting you down. They're trying to further your success. Exchange defensive posturing for an open heart. After following a few suggestions, you'll soon see how wise these tips really are.

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It's time to make career plans. Drifting along without a goal wastes valuable time. Step away from your duties and imagine where you would like to be next year. A dream will quickly take shape. Instead of relegating this vision to fantasy land, take steps to realise it. It doesn't matter whether this means taking a course, working as an apprentice or moving to a vibrant economic centre. The important thing is to act on your intention, instead of waiting for a miracle to happen.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Thinking outside the box will pay off handsomely. You're not the type who clings to tradition. When you can conceive of a better way of doing things, you'll give it a shot. This cultivates an impressive track record. While cautious types worry about what will happen if they change course, you're exploring unfamiliar territory. At times, this has been disastrous, but most of your attempts have gained traction. This is one of those times when it will be better to experiment than maintain the status quo.

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This is a good time to make out a will, assemble a stock portfolio or open a savings account. Taking steps to protect your financial health will take a great weight off your mind. It will also pave the way for economic stability. If you're not sure how to proceed, put out the call on social media. One person will be suggested several times. Give this professional a call. Together, you can embark on a plan that makes sense for your current situation, as well as your future goals.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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It's time to have a serious talk with your best friend, romantic partner or business associate. You long to have more money for luxuries. By joining forces with someone who sympathises with your desires, you'll be able to realise this dream. Be open to taking a risk, whether it's pursuing a different line of work or getting an advanced degree or adhering to a strict budget. When you demonstrate a willingness to turn things around, the Universe will send the opportunities you desire.

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Improving your job prospects takes an organised approach. Gather together a list of references and their contact information. Compile a portfolio. Update your CV. Practice your interviewing skills. Every step you take towards attracting better job prospects will pay off. If you're a free agent, think about launching your own website. Being able to direct potential clients to this page will increase commissions. Instead of pounding the pavement to find work, people will start calling you.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Be open about sharing your desires. There are different ways to show your love. Some people want verbal affirmations. Others want physical demonstrations of affection. Acts of service excite some partners, while others prefer gifts or quality time together. Think about what you need to feel appreciated. After telling your amour exactly what you want, your relationship will thrive. Always remember that every bond is a two way street. Prepare to give your partner the brand of affection they crave.

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Take this opportunity to air some grievances. A demanding relative should be put in their place. You've set aside so many plans to accommodate their needs. The resentment can't be contained any longer. If you've been thinking about taking a job involving lots of travel, do it. Getting out of town will be therapeutic. When you see the same people each day, your perspective gets narrow. Stepping into a new professional role will be beneficial, both financially and emotionally.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Brainstorming with a successful artist will be productive. It's important for you to bring your ideas into the light, where they can breathe and grow. Some of your concepts are impractical, but most can be turned into products and services. Having the support of someone who regularly creates things that are useful and beautiful will be affirming. If you're single, there's a chance this collaboration could turn into a romantic relationship. Listen to your heart; it will lead you to happiness.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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This is a good time to schedule, budget and negotiate. It's important to be paid what you are worth. If you're not sure how to set prices for goods and services, investigate the competition. There are some websites that can tell you how much people with your experience can make. Resist the temptation to offer bargain basement rates. This will attract customers who don't value your work. By setting competitive rates, you'll get the respectful patrons you deserve.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're more determined than ever to make your mark. Instead of trying to blend in with the crowd, you'll offer something exciting and different. People who are eager for a change will flock to you. It doesn't matter how you want to achieve prominence. The important thing is to be distinctive. The mainstream may mock your efforts, calling you childish, strange or both. Let these criticisms roll off your back. Before you know it, people will be following your lead. You have all the makings of a trendsetter.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Take this opportunity to recharge your batteries. An introvert like you needs prolonged periods of solitude to be happy. You become irritable when you overextend yourself. Going to parties becomes a game of diminishing returns. What's the point of socialising when you can't smile, laugh and enjoy the festivities? The next time someone invites you to a get together or asks to join you for coffee, you should graciously decline. Right now, the priority should be rest and relaxation. Enjoy a movie marathon while wearing your most comfortable pyjamas.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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