
You're feeling pushed and pulled between the mundane and the divine. On one hand, there is still plenty of work to be done. On the other, your spirit cries out for fulfilment. Moving forward with a self-improvement project will help you get out of this rut. Don't worry about letting small chores fall by the wayside. There's more to life than checking things off a "to do" list. Pursue an advanced degree.

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A powerful attraction to someone you thought was out of your system will resume again. It's hard not to fall victim to this person's charms. Sticking close to friends will help you withstand temptation. Let your pals provide you with the love and support you need. The object of your affection is only interested in their own welfare. This seems like an exciting challenge now, but rest assured their attitude will quickly grow boring.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Emotional upheavals at work make it difficult for you to relax at home. Let a self-assured business or romantic partner assume some of your burdens. Otherwise, you will continue to struggle against an increasingly powerful tide. The responsibilities you're facing are too much for one person to bear. The sooner you reach out, the easier life will become. Asking for help isn't a sign of weakness; it's evidence of wisdom.

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Your strength and vitality come surging back, just in time to deal with a troublesome romantic situation. It's possible that a child doesn't approve of a relationship. This kid is jealous of all the attention you're paying to a lover. Alternatively, your friends don't approve of somebody who has captured your fancy. When it comes right down to it, you have to follow your heart. You'll have to pay a price for this relationship, though.

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Make fun a greater priority, especially if you feel you've reached a dead end. You've been blessed with considerable creative talent, and it's time to put it to good use. Earning money from artistic endeavours is possible, so long as you're willing to open old wounds. Painful incidents from your past will provide you with the seeds for a successful project. The more honest you are, the more popular your work will be. This marks a rebirth.

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You'll have the lion's share of attention this month, which is very gratifying. While you're basking in the spotlight it's important to remember a partner's needs. If you're not in a relationship, it may be because you're too busy developing your own projects. That's perfectly fine, so long as you don't lead someone down the garden path. You're devastatingly attractive right now. Powerful feelings cause you to make a drastic change to your living situation.

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It's hard to find inner peace when your daily routine is so hectic. Instead of letting thoughtless people set the agenda, draw some firm personal boundaries. Otherwise, you will continue to be at their beck and call. You have a right to your privacy. If people are calling you at all hours or imposing on your hospitality, put a stop to it. Your words have an added force that they haven't in the past.

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You're starting to reassess what is really important to you, and see that you need to make some changes. Working simply to amass wealth won't give you the satisfaction you crave. You've got to be involved with projects that have personal meaning for you. Fortunately, a romantic interest can put you in touch with an opportunity that allows you to make money while expressing your creativity. It doesn't get any better than that!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The power you once enjoyed could return, opening new doors for you. And although you enjoy exerting your influence in the workplace, things aren't satisfying on the home front. Friends and family are more interested in your presence than your status. Stop trying to impress everybody with your exalted position and start being available for their problems. Although you've never considered yourself a homebody, that could change today. Establish some cosy routines with loved ones.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your intuition is twice as strong as it usually is, and should be the basis for all current decisions. It's especially important for you to pursue any learning opportunities that come your way. Although you've amassed a great deal of experience, that doesn't mean you should rest on your laurels. Mastering new technologies and keeping abreast of emerging trends will make you an attractive figure, both personally and professionally. Honour a neighbour's concerns.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your sex life is red hot, which makes money troubles even more irritating. Who wants to balance accounts when you could be cuddling with your amour? Unfortunately, attending to material matters is essential to the health of your relationship. Perfectly happy couples have been torn apart by finances. If you don't have a partner, it may be because you're fiscally irresponsible. Turn to a frugal friend for budgeting advice.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You can't help but feel that you're suppressing parts of your personality for the sake of a partner. If you continue to travel this path, you will miss a fantastic career opportunity. Do you really want to sacrifice your own happiness in order to appease someone's ego? There's no reason you can't hold a good job and be a loving companion, too. If you're single, you will find someone special while pursuing a plum position.

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