
If life seems shallow, it’s because you’ve been wrapped up in your own concerns. Extend a helping hand to those who need you most. Playing a sport or getting involved in a club will give you the opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors whilst assisting others. Agreeing to volunteer work doesn’t have to be a chore as you can pick and choose what you want to do.

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Working with a team of creative people will boost your personal power considerably. Don’t make the mistake of looking on people around you as a threat. They can help you develop your own considerable talents. Besides, you can always afford to make a few new friends. By expanding your social circle you will also be expanding your own chances of success.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Keep your personal goals and self interests clearly in focus if you’re going to cross that finish line. Put a visual reminder of what you want to accomplish clearly in view. A simple picture on the cabinet or refrigerator can feed your ambition. It’s also a good idea to set a time limit by which to achieve your aims. This will keep you on track.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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If you don’t find spiritual satisfaction your life, you need to consider whether you’re baying at the moon. Spending an hour a day on a pet passion will make you feel more energised and alive. Making this change can also help you draw back from your current job so that you can find a more fulfilling career or discover your true vocation.

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You are in a class of your own when it comes to leadership because you can convince anybody of anything, no matter what their temperament. Take this opportunity to joke a grumpy relative into a more convenient living arrangement. This will improve your relationship, as well as their self image. If one approach doesn’t work, try another. You’ve the cheek to get away with it.

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Standing up to an overbearing boss or parent gives you the wings to fly over and above the problems they have created for you. It’s time you realised that you don’t have to follow orders that are ill-conceived. Usually, you have a more efficient way of doing things. Don’t hesitate to use your methods if you feel they’re more appropriate. Time will prove you correct.

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An emotional outburst could change your relationship with someone forever more. Be very wary of saying hurtful things as they will leave an indelible mark which can never be erased. You are better off confining your remarks to the way you feel personally. Back up your comments with specific incidents rather than vague thoughts that brought about this turmoil in the first place.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Don’t get too caught up in acquiring material resources; it’s more important to have genuine friends at this moment in time. The more emotional support you have, the easier it will be to generate wealth. It’s a mistake to waste your time yearning for money. Exciting experiences are more precious than gold now - e.g. take an exotic trip for instance.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your strong personality could be intimidating others from speaking their minds or asserting themselves. Try to restrict your comments so that your friends, family and colleagues will have a chance to present their ideas. Don’t worry about fading into the woodwork. The fact is, you’ll be more appreciated after you tone things down and are less strident.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone who doesn’t have your ambition and drive will cause you lots of frustration today. Pushing and egging them on is the wrong way to go, however. The best way to get results from a sloth is to carry on without them. You see, what he or she really want is attention. If they can’t get it by sitting around then they’ll get it by being busy.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Teaming up with someone could give you the creative upsurge you’ve longed for. Seek out someone who can handle the visual part whilst you take care of the mental side. Don’t be surprised if a romance crops up as a result of your work together. It can be hard to resist artistic types who have a handle on your heart and instinctively know how to treat your sensitivities.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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An influential person’s admiration will make all the difference to your career, but keep business separate from pleasure. You shouldn’t feel obligated to get involved with this person if you’re not interested. By making your feelings clear from the start, you’ll avoid trouble later. Sometimes it’s best not to begin something that has more strings attached than the London Philharmonic.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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