
You've experienced a setback, but it's only temporary. Keep your chin up. By refusing to back down from your goals, you'll attract the opportunities you need to succeed. Slow and steady wins the race. That's a difficult concept for you to embrace. You've always moved through life at warp speed. See what happens when you slow down and weigh your options up. A chance for professional advancement will arrive after you develop a relationship with someone in your desired industry.

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When traditional ways of solving problems fail, adopt a more spiritual approach. Instead of trying to control events, surrender to a higher power. This may seem absurd, but it can help when you've exhausted all other possibilities. You're tired of applying for jobs that never pan out and pursuing romantic leads which rarely lead anywhere. Rather than continue these relentless pursuits, take a break. Tell the Universe to send what you need at the appropriate time.

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Financial setbacks are causing anxiety. Resist the temptation to ask friends for loans. The last thing you want is to destroy a good relationship over something as silly as money. You can get funding through an educational, cultural or religious organisation. This will involve filling out lots of paperwork. Don't get discouraged. You're very good at detailed work like this. By filling out each space and ticking every box, you'll be approved for the money you want.

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It seems like you are facing unsurmountable odds. Instead of trying to achieve victory by yourself, team up with a capable partner. You've got tremendous emotional intelligence but lack organisational skills. Join forces with someone who has an impressive record of achievement. While you're busy building relationships, they'll attend to the practical work that must be done. Together, you can build a business, create a charitable foundation or open a cultural institution.

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If you're going to have healthy relationships, you must make your needs known. Your natural generosity sometimes causes you to give and give without asking anything in return. Avoid this mistake. It creates an imbalance that is very difficult to overcome. You will be surprised to discover your loved ones are eager to serve you. After repeated offers of help were turned away, they became discouraged. Turn over a new leaf and reach out whenever you want support.

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Building your own belief system is a challenge. It's easier to accept what you are told. When the values you have been given conflict with your own sense of right and wrong, problems occur. Don't be afraid to follow your impulses. Certain relatives will balk at your rebellion. The sooner they get used to being more assertive, the better. You're no longer willing to go along with a program that makes no sense. Develop the courage of your convictions.

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You'll have to exercise self-discipline to pull yourself out of a rut. Put yourself on a strict schedule. Set an alarm to get up earlier than normal. Use this time to work on creative projects, make diary entries or carry out a plan of action. If you've been looking for a place to live, you can use the quiet hours of the morning to locate the perfect property. Are you feeling oppressed? It may be hard, but try to count your blessings and see how fortunate you are compared to some people.

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If you're going to move forward, you have to cultivate more productive habits. It's tempting to sit around the house and watch movies when you have lots of free time. The thought of creating opportunities is exhausting. By pushing past this reluctance, you'll begin to gain momentum towards a goal. Launching a blog, beginning a novel or taping a podcast will be a great use of your time. Share your expertise with people who are eager to learn more about your favourite subject.

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A moneymaking opportunity will fail to materialise. If your friend promised to get you a job, they will fall back on their word. Try not to lash out at your loved one. Circumstances beyond their control have kept them from delivering. It's up to you to find another source of income. Devote more time and energy to filling out applications, going on interviews and attending job fairs. These activities are terribly boring, but the sooner you carry them out, the faster you'll find employment.

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It's time to break a pattern that no longer works for you. Automatically deferring to other people has created problems. It's time to start questioning those who have been lording over you. Whether you've been blindly following a relative or employer, you must examine how following their lead impacts you. It may be better to adopt a more independent stance. Whether this means drawing healthier boundaries with family members or launching your own business is up to you. Listen to your intuition.

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Your priorities are undergoing a radical change. Instead of valuing what your friends and relatives prize, you seem to appreciate and value less tangible things. Having the freedom to say what you feel and do what you want is your primary goal. This will cause you to break away from an oppressive situation. Although a relationship or job has created security, it has stopped you from realising your full potential. Take this opportunity to strike out on your own. It will be scary but rewarding.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Stop letting a bully have power over you. The sooner you escape this oppressor, the faster you will advance. It doesn't matter whether this means moving into your own place, leaving a job or getting therapy for childhood trauma. The important thing is to assume control over your life. You're able to support yourself through unorthodox means. Anyone who says you are destined to fail is fully aware of your power. Turn a deaf ear to their warnings and reap the rewards that are awaiting you.

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