
You may not be in the mood to undertake routine chores, which is entirely understandable. Spend an amusing day with friends and family instead. You can always take care of those nagging little jobs later, when your energy is greater. In the meantime, focus on recharging your batteries with a trip to the movies or a visit to the pub. It's been too long since you really let down your hair and had fun.

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If you're wondering why your love life has been suffering, it may be because you're too serious. Drop the all-business attitude and have some fun for a change. Getting out in nature always restores your spirits, as does working on craft projects. It doesn't matter what your pleasure is, so long as you indulge in it. A detail-oriented person will admire your zest for life, and may seek to get closer to you.

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You're feeling rather lacklustre today, and may have trouble getting out of bed. This could be your body's way of telling you to slow down and get more rest. Your mind has been overly active lately, so put down the books and work projects. You're better off listening to music, sketching pictures, and taking short naps. Don't listen to family members who poke fun at your lazy behaviour; you know what you need to recuperate.

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Impractical ideas may be distracting you from doing work that really needs to be performed. You may want to consult a clever Aquarian or Libran for tips on finding workable ways to put your plans into action. If you detect a romantic spark between you, it's because you're looking especially alluring. Take advantage of your sex appeal by enticing this person into your bedroom. This could prove a blissful evening.

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Avoid financial extravagances, even if you feel you can afford them. Conserving your resources will allow you to take some well-deserved time off. You need to devote more energy to your intimate relationships. If you're single, head off for a romantic travel destination. You could cross paths with someone special. In the event you already have a lover, make every effort to put the passion back into your relationship.

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Your skills, talents and services are in demand, but that doesn't mean you're indispensable. Instead of wielding your knowledge over others, you may want to make friends with your colleagues. This will make their jobs more pleasant, and your efforts more appreciated. Adopting a more cooperative approach could result in better health for you. A pleasant environment has a positive impact on your body, mind, and spirit. Be sure to cultivate such surroundings.

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It's hard not to feel self-pity at certain times in life, but you must fight against it. Holding yourself with pride will result in better opportunities for you. In fact, an admirer may step forward and make a romantic move toward you. If you're single, you should feel free to respond, as this person could make you extremely happy. If you're attached, take this gesture as a compliment and lavish your partner with love.

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Somebody who tries to win your friendship could have ulterior motives. Be wary of trusting this person with personal information. You're better off staying close to those who have remained loyal to you. Looking through glossy magazines could give you an idea to brighten up your own household. Get the whole family involved with this project. If you live alone, invite some friends over for a painting party.

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It's best to adopt a humble attitude today, particularly if you have made recent accomplishments. Nobody likes a show-off. Besides, by underplaying your achievements, you'll win the respect and support of your colleagues. You could get some unexpected good news via a phone call or e-mail. Take this opportunity to throw a party for the people involved. Spreading joy should be your first priority. Luckily, this comes naturally to you.

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Resist the urge to push your beliefs on a loved one who has different philosophies. Otherwise, a good friendship could become strained and uncomfortable. You're better off obeying your instincts with regard to this person. If you sense they need practical help more than a sermon, deliver a batch of home-made chicken soup to their door. Alternately, you could relieve them of burdensome chores.

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Difficulties over legal matters could arise, bringing unwanted stress into your life. How you deal with this situation now affects you on a spiritual level. If you have faith that everything will work out right, you'll see remarkable results. If, however, you try to control the outcome through desperate measures, you'll be in for a very long struggle. Practice the fine art of letting go.

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Take care not to take a loved one for granted, or you could cause some unintentional pain. Invite this person to share your dreams. You may be surprised at how receptive your amour is to these daring plans. By working together, you can achieve anything. Separating your fate from theirs will however cause a myriad of problems. Keep treating your partner like they're a valued member of the team, and you'll both prosper.

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