
Be realistic when it comes to developing your creative talent. Stop telling yourself you are too old or untalented to realise a dream. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Allow yourself to be a beginner and silence critical thoughts. Don't show your work to others, especially in the early stages. A seed needs air and space if it's going to germinate. Above all, focus on having a good time with your labour of love.

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You may be so preoccupied with family matters that you have lost sight of career concerns. If you're experiencing an extraordinary amount of pressure, you may want to alert your employer to the fact or he or she will assume you're just slacking off. Work out how your absent minded behaviour could be affecting your reputation, too. It may be best to avoid public functions until you're more fully engaged with the world around you.

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If you desire expert status, you'll have to commit to a long period of study. Yes, you may possess lots of impressive knowledge, but you need to demonstrate it through writing papers, doing fieldwork, and taking tests. Getting a degree is a serious business. Think carefully whether you are prepared to make all the financial and personal sacrifices necessary to meet this goal. If you are, then fill out a slew of applications and hope for the best.

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Arguments about money could be causing problems in your relationship. Developing a mutual understanding about your finances is essential. Chances are, one of you will have to adopt a more liberal attitude towards spending, while the other will have to be more conservative about saving. Talk about what each of you really values. It could be travel, comfortable retirement, creative expression - don't place judgments on your respective dreams. Being honest will help you create a budget that works.

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This is not a good time to sign legal papers or make verbal agreements. There may be hidden clauses or conditions that will come back to haunt you. If you are given a contract, give it to a legal professional and don't sign it until next week. You may even want to have two people review this agreement to clear up confusion. Don't make any promises to a loved one, either. An emergency could prevent you from keeping this vow.

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Drugs, medication, or alcohol could be clouding your thinking. Steer clear of these things if you're starting to forget little details or have trouble fulfilling essential jobs. It may be a good idea to meet with a medical professional to discuss your problems. If you're taking pills that slow you down, you may want to explore another kind of treatment and an alternative therapy could be the answer.

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It may be time to question a friendship. If somebody keeps making backhanded compliments, it could be because he or she is jealous. Work out whether you'd be better off associating yourself with other people. It's also possible you're torn between telling a loved one the truth and remaining silent about a troubling issue. If this person has ignored your advice in the past, it's highly unlikely they'll listen this time around.

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Be honest about your family's shortcomings. Looking the other way at a relative's bad behaviour will be enabling further abuse. Confronting this person will be painful, but it's the only way to remedy the problem. Be prepared to admit your own part of the problem. Acknowledging your own mistakes shouldn't let your relative off the hook. If you're looking for a roommate, it may be best to do a background check before welcoming someone into your home.

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Putting your faith in somebody who claims to know what is best for you is risky. You may be better off getting a second opinion. It's also a good idea to do some research of your own. The more informed you are, the easier it will be to collaborate with a professional. Become wary if the person you hire chafes at your suggestions. After all, you have to live with the results. It's only fair that you have some say in the proceedings.

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Dreams of wealth could be elusive until you take the time to understand your financial picture. If you're wary about making long term investments, read some books on the subject. They will help you understand ways to make your money work for you. You're not the type of person who can throw caution to the wind. By opening an insurance policy, retirement plan, or savings account, you'll be able to withstand unexpected expenses and market fluctuations.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Unrealistic thinking about a relationship could be affecting your love life. Although it's tempting to put a partner on a pedestal, it is ultimately damaging. Nobody can live up to such exalted expectations. Allow your lover to make mistakes, and expect them to remedy destructive behaviour. Giving this person a free pass every time you have a problem will eventually undermine your power. If you're single, work out whether you need to change your attitude towards romance.

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Overlooking small details could cause problems at work. It may be a good idea to pair up with a sharp eyed colleague. This person could spot careless errors. In exchange, you may want to help a workmate with more creative aspects of the job. You're quite good at coming up with inventive solutions that save time and money. Sometimes it pays to trade jobs, especially when you feel like you're in over your head. Be honest about this arrangement with your employer.

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