
Any intellectual involvements will bring tremendous satisfaction. You enjoy learning about cutting edge technology. If you play your cards right, you can use your knowledge to land a great job. Being able to work from home will be the answer to a prayer. You perform best when operating independently. Nothing breaks your stride like being supervised by a distrustful micromanager. When left to your own devices, you can do the work of three people.

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Give careful thought to your financial situation. Saving more and spending less will put you on steady ground. Although you won't enjoy scrimping and saving, your economic restraint will pay off. Having a nest egg will give you more freedom in virtually every area of life. Instead of pursuing relationships and jobs on the sheer basis of financial need, you'll be free to do what you want. If you're looking for work, explore opportunities involving teaching, research or publishing.

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Exchanging ideas and discussing your feelings will pay off handsomely. You don't like drawing inferences and jumping to conclusions. It's much easier to ask what people want and state what you need. Some people are intimidated by your direct approach. That's why it's important for you to put others at ease. Make it clear you are more interested in finding solutions to problems than creating drama. You're not the type to punish the bearer of bad news. You just want to know the truth.

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Obey a powerful hunch about a family situation. A relative who is struggling does not want to ask for help. Reach out to this family member. Run some errands on their behalf. Take them for a medical consultation. Pick up their medication. Cook them a special meal. Do whatever you can to bring comfort to your loved one. Someone will confide a secret. Don't let the cat out of the bag. Keeping confidences will strengthen your relationships and make you a trusted friend.

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Attending a casual social gathering will be lots of fun. You'll enjoy reconnecting with a friend who had been out of circulation. The two of you may decide to collaborate on a creative venture after discussing plans for the future. The two of you will work very well together. You admire your partner's attention to detail, while they appreciate your impressive skill. The two of you can create very beautiful work together, so long as you're willing to listen to each other's constructive criticisms.

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Retreating from view helps you to think more clearly. Recently, you've been immersed in a large group. Everybody has a different opinion about what should be done. Trying to reach a compromise has created a lot of stress. Take this opportunity to obey your own instincts. You have innate wisdom. Use it to launch a new and enterprising project. Being able to deliver a complicated message in a compelling way will make you a hot commodity on the job market.

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Getting involved with a volunteer organisation will cause your social network to grow by leaps and bounds. Although you never lack for friends, you sometimes yearn to know people who share your values. Working on behalf of a good cause will put you in contact with fellow humanitarians. A vivacious chatterbox will be especially enchanting. The two of you will have great views and values to share with each other. Even if your artistic tastes are different, you still appreciate each other's choices.

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Discussing the intimate details of a loved one's life increases your understanding of them. Everybody has different trigger points. Your amour may need verbal reassurances of love. Be sure to express your appreciation on a regular basis. Watch your tone with your partner, too. Some people are extremely sensitive to sarcasm. You have a tendency to poke fun at absurd situations. This humour will be lost on people who tend to take things too literally.

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Open the lines of communication with a business or romantic partner. Discussing your hopes and fears will be therapeutic. Once you both realise which direction you'd like to take, you can make exciting plans together. Think about taking a short trip. Exploring new horizons will strengthen your bond. You should set the agenda while your partner deals with the more prosaic side of things like choosing the best routes, hotels and restaurants.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Take this opportunity to clear some duties off your desk. Finish reports, complete paperwork and submit applications. If you lack certain facts or figures, ask a Gemini or Virgo for help. They will be able to track down the information you need. Are you looking for work? It may be necessary to accept a position that is beneath your abilities. Don't let pride get in the way of earning steady pay. Besides, you'll quickly get a series of promotions.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're ready to abandon yourself to a world of fantasy. An engrossing book, movie or piece of music will fuel your own creative juices. Put work on the back burner. You're extremely productive and are probably ahead of the curve, anyway. You can take some time off for the sake of pleasure. If you're looking for love, you could meet someone special at a bookshop or library. Keep your eyes open for someone with beautiful hands and expressive eyes.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Creating a scrapbook or photo album will give you lots of pleasure. You've always been sentimental. Finding a way to evoke memories through a compelling visual display will be fun. Gather together all the supplies you need and get to work. You might have to experiment before achieving the effect you want, but that's part of the fun. If you're missing photos from a certain period, call relatives and family friends to see if they have any pictures you can copy.

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