
You expect too much from others. The next time you catch yourself grumbling about someone's lack of commitment, reconsider your attitude. It's possible you aren't giving nearly as much as you demand. For a give and take relationship, you will have to be much more generous. It will also help to put demands aside and accept what comes without complaint. Eventually, you'll form friendships based on generosity and mutual respect. Until then, stop putting pressure on others to perform.

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Overindulging in food and drink will take a toll on your health. It's better to practice restraint with your diet. Lean protein, fresh produce and whole grains will keep your body operating at optimum efficiency. When you crave something sweet, enjoy a small portion and then wait. What seems like ravenous hunger will soon subside into contentment. If you're going to a professional conference, don't partake of alcohol. It's easy to go overbroad at a deceptive time like this.

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You've been having a wonderful time but responsibilities are beckoning. Instead of backing out of a commitment, show up on time and ready to work. Letting down a friend will drive a permanent wedge between you. It's understandable you want the party to keep going, but others are depending on you. By making your nearest and dearest a priority, there will be plenty of people to enjoy the good times ahead. Strive for balance, especially between work and play.

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Placing too much emphasis on what your family thinks will create problems. You're interested in pursuing an unusual line of work. They want you to follow a more conventional path. You'll have to summon your courage to defy their expectations. If they complain or try to block your path, keep moving forward. Your relatives won't take you seriously until you show you are serious. Supporting yourself and living on your own are part of the equation. Don't back down.

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Beware of biting off more than you can chew. Although you're bursting with energy, you should still factor relaxation into your schedule. If you keep going from task to task without relief, you'll suffer exhaustion. Colleagues will resent it if you slow down. They've become used to you doing the work of three people. It's not fair to expect you to continue at this breakneck pace. Prepare to confront someone who grumbles about your performance. You're still the most capable person in the organisation.

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Spending money won't fill the emotional void inside you. If you feel lonely or afraid, put your energy into making something. Working with your hands has always been therapeutic. It doesn't matter if you knit, bake, garden or build furniture. The important thing is to use your frustration to create something beautiful. Once you see the fruits of your labour, your desire to go shopping will seem like a distant memory. Material goods are rarely the solution to upset feelings.

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Your popularity is causing resentment for your best friend, romantic partner or business associate. Although you don't realise it, you command the spotlight whenever you are together. Find ways to put the focus on your loved one. Get into the habit of discussing their accomplishments when you're out together. Compliment their appearance when you're in a group. Most of all, don't talk at length about your own achievements. Your star power will never go out, but it can be dimmed.

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Resist the temptation to wallow in self-pity. You've experienced a series of terrible disappointments. It will be impossible to sweep your sadness under the rug. Keeping busy can ease the pain. Getting involved with a humanitarian project will be empowering. Instead of feeling like a victim, you'll realise you have the ability to help others who are less fortunate. You'll also meet some nice people who share your desire to make the world a better place. Choose a cause that is close to your heart.

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Working with a group will be unsatisfying. Whenever you make a proposal, it will be turned down flat. You're better off going solo. If people accuse you of being uncooperative, stay calm. Explain your leaving the team is nothing personal. By staying calm, people who were offended by your actions will back off. This will leave you free to develop a personal project that is very enjoyable. Best of all, you won't have to compromise your vision to satisfy varying tastes.

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You get lots of enjoyment at work, but your personal life needs attention. Instead of spending long hours at the office, go home at a reasonable hour. Help prepare a nutritious meal with your family and enjoy it together. Put a ban on mobile devices while you eat. Focusing on each other will take time. You've grown out of touch and it will be difficult to reconnect at first. Be patient and persistent. Gradually, you'll break down the barriers that are keeping you apart.

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You've always been eager to explore new vistas, but most people aren't as adventurous. It's frustrating to talk to those who have no curiosity in other cultures and belief systems. At times, you've been accused of being a snob. This isn't true. You don't judge others on their taste, but you do wish to have friends who share your eagerness to explore the world. Joining a book club or a political organisation can be helpful. It's time to expand your social circle to include fellow explorers.

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People are taking everything you give without even thanking you. This must stop. You're tired of going above and beyond the call of duty and getting nothing in return. Put some distance between you and greedy individuals who are always putting demands on your time and resources. Spend quiet moments doing things you love, like creating art, reading fiction and taking nature walks. When you treat yourself well, you'll have the courage to be more demanding of those you love.

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