
You swing between logic and emotion today. When it comes to exerting leadership, you prefer to be seen as relying on reason. Today you feel compelled to take a less rational route. Fairness demands you do something against your financial interests. Cynics will think you're stupid for passing up this lucrative opportunity. In time they will see the wisdom of your decision so stick to your guns and take the moral high ground; you won't regret it.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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It's important to maintain a no nonsense attitude towards work. Goofing around with colleagues will cause an important job to fall through the cracks. You can't afford to make such a mistake, especially when jobs are scarce. By training your focus on the tasks at hand, you'll avoid trouble. Try to get some exercise at lunch or after work. Tension gets stored in the muscles. A brisk run on the treadmill will ease your anxieties and give a welcome balance to an intense day.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Protecting your nearest and dearest from harm may be your first priority. They don't necessarily face any real threats. It's just that you're able to shield them from harsh realities that can make life unpleasant. Take this opportunity to treat them to something special. Run some errands for an overwhelmed mother. Slip some spending money into the coat pocket of a cash strapped friend. Even the smallest act of kindness can spread a great deal of sunshine.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Devoting yourself to a complicated job will be most stimulating. You've got a fine eye for detail today, and can catch several mistakes. Turning in a letter perfect report will impress an authority figure. This could be your ticket to a big promotion. A business trip could be in the cards. Be sure to pack clothing that can be layered. The more versatile your wardrobe, the more comfortable you will be. If you need help, take out an advertisement. You'll get loads of encouraging replies.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Trying to elbow your way to the front of the line will backfire miserably. You're better off exercising charm and cunning. Summon up all of your patience when dealing with officials and bureaucrats. Melting their resistance is just a matter of being polite and diplomatic as well as determined to get your point across. A jealous neighbour is trying to undermine your confidence, but you'll soon see through their little games. Keep smiling, it makes you a winner!

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You're in the mood for adventure. Expand your horizons by travelling to an exotic country, taking an advanced class or writing a short story. It may be necessary to scale back your work schedule as a means to accommodate your plans. Don't feel guilty taking a break. Normally, you do the work of two or three people. It's time you slowed down. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a family gathering. You like their generosity of spirit, they admire your keen mind.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your dynamic personality attracts admirers at every turn. If you want to start a business, this is a great time to seek funding. Taking on a silent partner will enable you to launch this venture sooner than you think. You have a special affinity for advertising, public relations or design. If you're not interested in such a venture, you may want to spruce up your wardrobe. There's a good chance you'll find lots of attractive clothes in the stores right now.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You're not willing to share your feelings with others, perhaps because you fear ridicule. You value things most other people take for granted. That's why they shake their heads when you opt for substance over style. While your desire to maintain your privacy is understandable, you shouldn't shut everyone out of your life. There are one or two friends who really do understand. By sharing your thoughts with these people, you'll feel less like an outsider.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Working as part of a group is right up your street. You enjoy the camaraderie this position brings. Naturally, one or two of your colleagues could create conflict, but this doesn't bother you at all. You're brilliant at forging workable compromises. Keep sight of your idealism when dealing with a dour authority figure. By refusing to get dragged down by their pessimism you could eventually make changes to the way people operate around you and it will benefit all concerned.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Your drive for success prompts you to go above and beyond the call of duty. You have hidden reserves of energy which astonishes rivals. Nobody can keep up with you. Taking charge of a project that's spiralling out of control will be challenging but fun. You love finding solutions to seemingly intractable problems. It may be necessary to reassign somebody to a different area. Once their gifts are put to positive use they will perform beautifully.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's important to be utterly principled in all of your behaviour. If you bend the rules, a rival could reveal your transgression to an authority figure. That's the last thing you need right now. Expressing interest in someone else's culture could launch a new friendship. They will introduce you to a variety of music, food and films which lift your spirits. It's even possible you will be inspired to take a trip to their native country. Exploring greener pastures gives you a sexy glow.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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There's an intensity about you which makes others uncomfortable. Refuse to scale back your enthusiasm for the sake of somebody else's comfort. It's precisely your passion that will put you over the top. If you're in love with someone, channel your feelings into a creative project. Painting, writing or dancing will prove a welcome outlet. It may not be possible to run off with the object of your affection. Perhaps they're already attached. Maybe they don't return your feelings.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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