
You will have to revisit an old work project and fix some mistakes that previously escaped you notice. Beware of becoming sloppy on the job, or you could get fired. It's not because you are lazy; it's just that you are bored with the old routine. Maybe this would be a good time to find a more stimulating position. You are quite technically oriented, and could find a good job involving computer repair, engineering or electronics. Don't knock it until you've tried it!

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The bloom is off the rose as far as family is concerned. You're tired of making excuses for a relative who is always making mistakes and neglecting their duties. The sooner you see this man for who he really is the better. Put an end to lending him money and doing his work. Other relatives may call you selfish, but they're not the ones who have been covering for him all of these years. They'll see the wisdom of your stance soon enough.

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Your love life will be cooling down in the weeks ahead. The attraction you first had for a romantic interest is starting to fade. Perhaps you're starting to see their true colours. Maybe you realise your expectations were unrealistic. It's even possible you're thinking of returning to an old lover. Whatever the situation, you need to take your time before taking any drastic moves. Stop making mountains out of molehills. You can't make good decisions when you're always tense.

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A doctor may decide to scale back your medication. Although you hate being treated like a science experiment, you must admit you aren't feeling entirely well. Making adjustments to your health regime can make a marked difference. If you've been suffering from digestive problems, try cutting out certain foods. For instance, avoid all dairy products for a few days and take note of how you feel. If you don't feel an improvement, try staying away from bread. Eventually, you'll find the irritant.

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Letting go of certain expectations will only improve a close relationship. In the past, you demanded absolute loyalty from friends, lovers and workmates. Now you're starting to realise just how unrealistic your requirements are. By allowing everyone to make their own decisions, you'll notice a marked change in your friendships. All of a sudden, the atmosphere will become a lot more relaxed. People will laugh more easily and you'll be less prone to jealousy. It will be a positive change of events for everyone.

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A loan or financial support could be delayed, forcing you to make other plans. Although this setback will force you to economise, that's probably a blessing in disguise. You're a very practical creature, and know how to make the most of limited resources. Being forced to come up with creative solutions to shortages will serve you well in the future. It will also strengthen your self esteem. If you can make it on your own, you can handle any problem.

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You may run out of patience with a friend who insists on getting special treatment all of the time. You've never had such courtesy extended to you, and yet your loved one has no qualms demanding it. Maybe it's time to re-examine this relationship. Once upon a time, you thought her behaviour was glamorous and exotic. Now you find it tedious. Seek out friends who appreciate you for who you are, rather than the duties you perform. You're nobody's servant.

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Job benefits that were promised long ago have yet to come through. You need to talk with your boss about this problem. Don't be placated by flattery. You deserve to be paid for the hard work you have performed. Be prepared to contact the authorities if payment isn't forthcoming. It may be necessary to find another job while you're wrangling over this sum. Opportunities related to technology, air travel, and humanitarian aid are all worth exploring.

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Being cut off from your social circle forces you to become more self reliant. You're used to leaning on friends for help when depression sets in. Now you'll have to summon your emotional strength to battle demons. You may be surprised to discover strengths you never knew existed. In the past, the prospect of being unpopular would have caused you to hide away from the world. Now you're able to face your detractors with a calm sense of detachment.

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You won't be able to enjoy as much private time as you have in the past, which is a little disappointing. It is nice to catch up with friends you haven't seen in a long time. Take time out of your schedule to attend a big birthday bash or school reunion. You won't be disappointed. It may be necessary to share your workspace with a colleague in order to accommodate an office shortage. Don't worry; it's only a temporary arrangement.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You've become less sensitive to your environment, which is both good and bad. On the positive side, you don't take slights so personally. On the negative side, you may hurt someone else's feelings. Take careful note of people's reactions before making crude jokes or rendering harsh criticisms. It may be necessary to postpone a dream. Although you're bitterly disappointed, it really can't be helped. You need to recharge your batteries before taking on a creative project. It's hard to make headway when you're running on empty.

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It may be necessary to return an expensive item of merchandise. If the store won't refund your money, contact your credit card company. Sometimes you can challenge a purchase this way. If you're unable to get your money refund, chalk it up to experience. When something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Money from a job you performed some time ago is slow in coming. You will have to find alternate sources of income to cover your bills in the short term.

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