
Selfish ambitions are creating problems at home. You can't neglect your family for the sake of your career. If you have continually missed a child's recitals, games and performances because of work, something must change. It isn't fair to subject your loved ones to this hectic schedule. Sit down and reflect on your priorities. Think about how your behaviour is affecting your romantic partner and relatives. If you don't start making some sacrifices on their behalf, you'll never repair the damage to these relationships.

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Imposing your views onto others will create great resentment. Stop trying to mould and shape others into your ideal image. When you accept people's individuality, your relationships will improve. Nobody likes being told they are misguided or ill informed. Whenever you feel the urge to critique someone's beliefs, ask questions instead. Listen carefully to the answers. If anyone tells you to mind your own business, respect their wishes. Religious and cultural attitudes are deeply personal.

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Problems with a partner's money, insurance, taxes or inheritance will create havoc. It's important to take safety precautions regarding joint accounts. Being able to access information regarding these funds can help in emergencies. Keep a list of user names and passwords in a place that is easily accessible to your other half. Hopefully, you will never need to use this information. If you must gain entry to these accounts, at least you will save yourself a lot of time and aggravation.

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It's time to confront someone who keeps steamrolling over your opinions. Although you want to keep the peace, it isn't possible with this bully. Until you confront their behaviour, your productivity will be undermined. The last thing you want is to be punished for their bad behaviour. If you can't appeal to their conscience, file an official report. This will be very time consuming, but your hard work will pay off in times to come. There's a good chance other people have complained as well.

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You can no longer compromise your health for the sake of work. Putting in gruelling hours, enduring oppressive conditions or dealing with toxic materials is more trouble than it is worth. You'll feel lots of pressure to keep silent about a troubling issue. Stop caving in to peer pressure. The sooner the authorities know about this situation, the better. In the meantime, start looking for another position. You will find a better job much sooner than expected. It's time to take control of your destiny.

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Staying with a romantic partner who puts you down is a serious mistake. While it's true you occasionally have fun times together, this is the exception rather than the rule. The important thing to question is why your other half feels compelled to insult you. A healthy relationship is based on mutual respect. Anyone who boosts their self-confidence by denigrating others has serious problems. Stop wasting your time with this troubled individual. Hold out for a more rewarding relationship.

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A power struggle at home must be resolved. Continually giving in to a manipulative relative is making everyone else miserable. It's time to issue an ultimatum. If the troublemaker in question will not be held accountable for their actions, it's time for them to find other living arrangements. Are you living in an abusive situation? Leave now. Take advantage of a government program designed to help people in your situation. Living in safety must be your first priority.

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When someone gets the best of you, there's an immediate desire for revenge. It's understandable you want to strike back at someone who hurt you. Dwelling on your hurt will only compound your pain. Take a deep breath and let go of your anger. If you continue to look for ways to get back at your tormentor, you will become bitter. Find a healthy outlet for your emotions. Brisk exercise or a creative pursuit will help you forget your troubles.

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Putting too much focus on money will make you miserable. If you have to pay a fine, do so quickly and stop dwelling on the injustice. Making a scene will only waste more time and aggravation. If you promised to pay someone a certain sum of money, do it. The last thing you want is to develop a reputation for failing to deliver on promises. You can either treat this situation as a learning opportunity or a chance to get revenge. Taking the high road will be less stressful.

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Throwing your weight around will put serious strain on a close relationship. Even if you have more expertise in a particular area, it's still important to defer to your partner. Talk before making big decisions that affect both of your lives. When there is a difference of opinion, you can work it out. It's simply a matter of discussing your priorities, listening to each other's opinions and finding a middle ground. When emotions get heated, take a break and come back together when you've cooled off.

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It's important to accept the feelings of others. If many people have serious issues with a proposal, you should go back to the drawing board. You might have the power to push this agenda through, but it will be at tremendous cost to your reputation. Doing your job well will be impossible when everyone dislikes you. Seek a middle ground. Turning your back on a lucrative deal with an unpopular client may be necessary. There are more important things than money.

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Trying to keep up with frivolous friends will create serious financial problems. Stop agreeing to accompany your nearest and dearest on expensive outings. If people in your social circle object to your choice to save money, you should find some new friends. There's no reason you should feel pressured to spend hard earned money on things that don't give you long term pleasure and deep satisfaction. Most of these people are knee deep in debt. Protect your interests. Nobody else will do it for you.

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