
A hasty decision will create problems on the home front. Think carefully about the implications of this choice before putting it into effect. Will certain relatives be seriously inconvenienced by this turn of events? Are there other options available? It's understandable you want to fix a problem as quickly as possible. Moving too fast will cause more trouble and expense than necessary. Ask for advice on social media. You'll get some great suggestions for solving this issue in a quick, inexpensive way.

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Be careful about making sarcastic remarks. Someone will take your comments seriously. This is how rumours get started. Steer clear of gossipy conversation and don't speculate about other people's private lives. The more discreet you are, the easier it will be to protect your reputation. People need to know they can confide in you without being betrayed. Although it will be tempting to share juicy stories at a party, it will be better to take the high road. Talk about current events, art and sports instead.

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Focusing on material matters will make you unhappy. Turn your attention to activities that give you a spiritual lift. This could be anything from reading to listening to music to communing with nature. Your material cravings will start to subside when you fill your life with simple pleasures. Explain to friends that you're not going to be able to accompany them on expensive outings. Meet them for homemade meals, rented movie marathons and card games.

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There's no point in trying to talk reasonably to an irrational colleague or neighbour. Instead of trying to appeal to their common sense, turn your attention to people who share your concerns. By banding together, you can force a change in policy. You can drive out incompetent people from positions of power. It will also be possible to deliver more resources to underserved members of your community. When you hit a brick wall, change direction. With a little ingenuity, you'll reach your goal.

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Don't fixate on past disappointments. You have an opportunity to turn your luck around, but you must remain positive. Use what you have learned to move to higher ground. If you lack essential training and experience, enrol in a course. The work will be harder than expected, but you will enjoy it. Let a demanding teacher push you hard. You have a tendency to become lazy when left to your own devices. By rising to their challenges, you'll get out of this rut and attract better job offers.

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Working with a group is more trouble than it is worth. Trying to satisfy a committee will compromise your excellent ideas. It's better to go solo, especially when it comes to artistic efforts. If you've been forced to work with a team, put as little energy into this project as possible. Save your energy for things that bring spiritual and emotional satisfaction. Go out to dinner with friends. Enjoy walks in the park. Spend time with your pets. These diversions will feed your soul, not rob it.

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Beware of pushing around your best friend or romantic partner. Although you command a great deal of respect in your public life, it's important to deal with loved ones as equals. Instead of discouraging your nearest and dearest from pursuing their dreams, tell them to go for it. Rather than insisting on doing things your way, defer to your partner's suggestions. Don't worry about losing control. The best relationships involve constant give and take. Take turns with the leadership role.

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Although you have more experience than anyone else in the organisation, it's important to listen to others. Newcomers sometimes see more efficient ways of doing things, simply because they are not immersed in the traditional methods. By being more receptive to input, impressive breakthroughs occur. Sometimes the people who annoy you most have the best ideas. Don't let personal feelings get in your way. You'll adopt a much more charitable view of anyone who cuts annoying tasks in half.

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Arguments over money are causing problems on the romantic front. It's possible your amour thinks you are cheap. Alternatively, an inability to set mutual financial goals can be making you miserable. There's nothing inherently noble about being a spender or a saver. What is problematic is when bills mount or resources are hoarded. Talking to a money counsellor can be very helpful. Having an objective third party will help you avoid personal attacks while forging effective compromises.

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Misunderstandings are putting great strain on family relationships. You have different needs than those of your relatives. Take this into account when offering advice and setting expectations. By demonstrating respect for their desires, they'll try to meet you in the middle. If a family member hasn't been showing you common courtesy, sit down and have a talk. By establishing a set of ground rules you both must follow, you can establish a civil tone in your household.

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A critical attitude will cause problems at home and work. Whenever you feel an urge to correct someone, offer encouragement again. Express thanks for the small gestures people perform that are often ignored. Give sincere compliments to those you admire. Each of us have strengths and weaknesses. You've been blessed with many abilities but lack certain qualities. By joining forces with those who have the skills you lack, you can move mountains. We're here to help each other.

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Be open to constructive criticism. Although you have been blessed with creative talent, there is always room for improvement. If someone expresses unhappiness with your work, don't discount their suggestions. Take a few moments to nurse your bruised ego and then get back to work. People will become more receptive to your work when you make a few minor alternations. If your technique isn't refined, get more practice. Even masters continually need to go back to basics.

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