
An overprotective attitude towards family is causing problems. You've always been brave enough to do battle for everyone else. Obeying this impulse will rob a relative of important life skills. The next time someone you love gets into trouble, hold back. Resist the urge to come to their rescue. They may encounter some difficulty, but that's part of the growth process. In time, they'll become as resourceful and courageous as you. Some things have to be learned through experience.

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You have to take family into consideration before making an important decision. A good job opportunity may not be practical for your loved ones right now. Staying in a particular group or living near an assisted living facility might dampen your career aspirations. If you don't have any responsibilities towards your relatives, it may be necessary to relocate. Taking a job overseas will help you become more independent. It will also allow you to get paid for exercising your imagination.

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Expensive purchases are not advised. You should keep as much cash as possible in reserve for emergencies. Being able to pay a hefty repair bill will inhibit stress from building. There will be plenty of time to indulge your desire for creature comforts. Wait until you've amassed more money in the bank. You may be making a good living, but it's important to spend less than you save. Don't feel compelled to copy a friend's lavish lifestyle. The two of you have very different needs.

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Avoid passing judgment on other people. There are unseen circumstances at play. Whenever you feel the urge to heap scorn on someone else, it's a sign of dissatisfaction. Is there anything about your life you would like to change? What is stopping you from taking the plunge? Summon your courage and pursue a new job, relationship or creative project. The worst thing that could happen is failure. That's better than sitting and dreaming about what might have been.

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Don't fall victim to your favourite vices. Dropping the ball will hurt your reputation. Although you are overwhelmed with work, it's better to press forward than throw up your hands in defeat. The results will be unimpressive, but nobody will be able to call you a quitter. Have you been struggling with an addiction? Get help. You don't have to make a big production of your recovery. Just focus on getting well. Let this be a step taken for your own health and happiness.

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Making promises you can't keep will hurt a friendship. Although you love being of service to others, it isn't always possible. Be ready to turn down someone's request for help. There's no reason you should be constantly on call for everyone else. Take this opportunity to attend to your own needs. First and foremost, you should get some rest. Recently, you've been running between work and home as if you're a mouse in a maze. Break out of this cycle as soon as possible.

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Be realistic about your career expectations. You must have more training and experience before advancing to the next step. Your romantic or business partner may not fully understand the situation. Instead of getting defensive, do what's necessary to attain the success you desire. Whether this means pursuing an advanced degree or taking another job is immaterial. The important thing is to be honest and map out a practical plan. You'll feel much better once you resume control of your destiny.

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Don't close your mind to a person who has a radically different background. These conflicting views can be very helpful with a collaborative effort. When you're determined to do something, you stop listening to reason. This tendency can be dangerous. Team up with someone who uses logic as their guide. They'll be able to alert you to things you wouldn't usually consider. If you're suffering from aches and pains, think about changing your diet.

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Someone is being extraordinarily kind to you. They are motivated by a desire for financial gain. Beware of letting down your guard with this manipulator. You might have to fight for your fair share of a legal settlement. Having a competent professional to represent your interests could be useful. You may have an ethical claim on this money, but that's different than proving your legal right to it. If a romantic relationship has hit a dry patch, focus on emotional, rather than physical, intimacy.

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Don't expect too much from a loved one. You've been relying too heavily on their help. Doing more work around the house will ease their resentment. Although your work ethic is admirable, it is sometimes used to justify lazy domestic habits. Nobody likes to feel neglected. If you're single, it may be because you are too focused on career matters. Spend less time at work. Concentrate on building a rewarding personal life. Strike a balance between your public and private lives.

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You're overwhelmed at work. Instead of trying to handle all these assignments yourself, ask for help. If no assistance is available, you will have to tell customers about potential delays. It's better to risk losing business than putting loyal customers in bad positions. An angry confrontation could erupt. Try keeping your cool. Think about a similar situation when you were terribly inconvenienced. In situations like these, it's better to offer a sincere apology than get defensive.

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Jealousy could rear its ugly head in a romantic relationship. If you are questioning a partner's loyalty, be honest about your motives. It's possible this fear stems from insecurity. Instead of projecting your fears onto your loved one, turn the focus inward. Ask yourself why you feel undesirable. Reinforce your ego with confidence building activities. Anything that makes you more self assured and confident is good for you. When you feel good, you become more loving and giving.

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