
Burdens are heavy because someone you had been relying on is far from trustworthy. A joint responsibility is turning more into a solo one. You carry the load while a partner finds excuse after excuse as to why they can't help out. Accepting the situation without complaint will encourage a work shy friend or colleague to think they can get away with it. If they don't want to work, they shouldn't be there to share the rewards either!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A naive friend or colleague needs to be warned of the problems which could manifest from their inexperience. You should find most people sharing your plans will agree wholeheartedly with your suggestions. If you have the most knowledge or if you have been through similar situations before, it stands to reason you should be the one to advise and guide others through it. Pay closest attention to those who are completely new and unaware of what might result if they drop their guard.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You can't afford to lag behind in a competitive endeavour. Once you get over some small stumbling blocks that emerge early in the day you will sail through the rest of your journey. Valuable contracts made during this day's social events could lead to some worthwhile offers or contracts. A competitor may try to destabilise your position; keep control over your emotions to maintain a balanced outlook. Expect a happy twist of fate this evening.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Repressed tensions come out into the open; this could cause problems if you already have a partner. What occurs today isn't entirely unexpected so don't just sit there and act as if it has taken you by surprise. You always suspected that someone you see regularly has been hiding their feelings from you. Either you are single and can encourage their interest or you are already spoken for and must stop it from going any further.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You aren't a passenger; you intend to be the driver today come what may. You anticipate problems with a person or association you are in contact with. You have had some dealings with them in the past and therefore have a fair idea of what to expect. You also know that this time you won't let anyone get away with fobbing you off with less than the truth. An invitation will be an opportunity to renew links with far flung members of your family.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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When it comes to keeping spending within sensible limits, you're an expert! Others are keen to go a little mad and splash out today without thinking about the consequences. You're equally as keen to remind them of the sense of keeping a tight hold of the purse strings. Once you have everyone's attention and you spell out the foolishness of an extravagant expenditure you will get their reluctant cooperation!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Your recollection of a poignant incident does not tally with someone else's and you wonder whose memory is at fault. Before getting into an argument, why not approach others who were involved and ask for their opinions? It could well be that neither of you is wrong as you both viewed the event from a different perspective. What's apparent is that before going any further, you need to delve back into the past to get answers.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Someone who is supposed to be staying with you later in the month might turn up prematurely. Or they may be in touch to ask if they can come this week instead of another. Since you have been preparing for and looking forward to such plans, to bring them forward slightly shouldn't be too much of an inconvenience. Try to share your load by delegating responsibilities and getting loved ones to pitch in and help out.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A pleasant surprise is due to come your way. You can confidently anticipate making some positive career moves with promotion, an award or bonus not too far off. All benefits received will be the result of your past hard work so ignore anyone who implies there is luck in these connections. Some people prefer to blame their lack of progress on bad luck rather than admitting it's due to their own lack of enterprise and initiative.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It is impossible to overlook a colleague or neighbour's thoughtless words or actions. You are annoyed by their behaviour. You might even withdraw your support or resign from a club or association as a sign of your displeasure. One person's constant insolence and disrespect is jarring on your nerves. You have run out of ideas on how to encourage a team spirit and might prefer to save yourself future upset by cutting ties with them completely.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A number of issues crop up today when as soon as one person airs their grievances everyone else follows suit. There is sufficient discretion for each case to be judged depending on the problem and each person's individual circumstances. New guidelines and procedures could be set in place due to today's revelations. An association might show interest in using your ideas for their gain. Make sure you own any intellectual rights before discussing this further.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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After a tense discussion you will feel a strong need to escape routine and responsibility. If a relationship between you and someone you see every day is getting acrimonious, maybe it is time to start planning a holiday. You feel betrayed and angry and it may well be melodramatic to terminate all dealings in some areas. On the other hand if you take a short break away from it all, you will feel more emotionally equipped to deal with future problems.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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