
Channel your boundless energies into crafting a good public image. If people have a good impression of you, they're more likely to approach you with personal and professional opportunities. Invest in a smart looking suit and have some eye catching business cards printed. If you've always had a problem with job interviews, you may want to take a class in perfecting these skills. Being prepared is half the battle. A foreign born individual is attracted by your powerful mastery of a certain subject.

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You're ready to expand your horizons, but a loved one is trying to discourage you from doing so. It's time to have a heart to heart talk. It's not healthy to turn opportunity away for the sake of someone else's comfort. Still, you can smooth things over by reassuring your loved one of your devotion. In the event you want to break things off, do it briskly and permanently. Move in to your own place, return any expensive gifts, and forge a more independent lifestyle.

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Your high ideals may intimidate someone close to you; they feel as if they could never live up to your standards. This may be true, as you have a tendency to take people to task for being human. Try relaxing your demands just a little bit. After all, you have your shortcomings, too. It's hard for passion to take root in a barren, forbidding environment. By adopting a more nurturing and accepting attitude, you could finally find the love you've always wanted.

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You need to conserve your energy, especially as far as work is concerned. Take things slow in the morning so you'll have the ability to finish the day feeling pleasantly tired, instead of miserably exhausted. If you are looking for work, you may need to adopt a more realistic view of the market. A job that once seemed beneath you could be a good opportunity, given present circumstances. The chance to work outside may be especially rewarding.

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A colleague has developed a crush on you, but you don't return the sentiment. Although it pains you to do so, you need to adopt an aloof attitude with them or they'll develop false hope. If you prefer, you may want to address the issue directly and tell your admirer you have no interest in pursuing a romantic relationship. Either way, you need to avoid any flirtatious overtones when doing business together. That's the price you have to pay for being a sex symbol.

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You long to explore greener pastures, but family responsibilities keep you rooted to one spot. Try not to resent a youngster or partner for needing your help. Finding a creative outlet can keep your frustrations at bay. Writing, painting or crafts give you something to look forward to at the end of a long day. Fortunately, you will have an opportunity to travel later in the year. Right now you need to support your nearest and dearest.

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Despite a relative's best efforts, you refuse to be nervous about the future. Somehow, you know everything will work out fine. It's just a matter of keeping your spirits up. Communing with nature, nurturing your pets and listening to music are all effective remedies to depression. You may have to cancel a trip for the sake of a family matter. Be sure to get a broken appliance repaired at the first sign of trouble, or the costs will spiral out of control.

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Sometimes you feel undervalued because of the place you hold in society and while it's true people have a tendency to look down on innovative, inventive types like you, you still wouldn't trade places with anybody else. If you feel misunderstood you may want to visit a place or community known for fostering creative thought. You could meet people who not only share your sensibilities, but appreciate your unique talent. It's important for visionaries to stick together!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Making money by doing something you love is your first order of business. Of course, this may mean taking a job that doesn't pay a lot, especially at first. Still, you'll have more fun working with animals or teaching a class than being in a stuffy corporate environment. Don't worry; bigger and better career opportunities are on the way. For now, you need to accumulate practical experience to rise up the ladder of success. Stay focused and keep smiling.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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There's a lot more to you than meets the eye. People have a tendency to write you off as a thoroughly practical person. What they don't realise is you possess a strong spiritual core. You just don't broadcast your beliefs to all and sundry. In fact, you'd rather keep your activities a secret, preferring to make anonymous donations to charity. If you work on behalf of a religious or cultural organisation, you do so in the most modest way.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You may have to mask your high ideals for the sake of getting along with a large group. Although it pains you to do so, you have to admit your colleagues aren't likely to be converted to your point of view. Therefore, you need to keep your personal and professional lives strictly separate. If someone says something offensive, you can voice your quiet objections, and then turn your attention back to your work. The more understated and dignified you are, the better.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your needs are very different from those of your friends. Right now, you're determined to reach the height of your career success. This may require spending long hours at the office. It's entirely possible you'll have to miss a party or two. Try to explain your situation to your nearest and dearest. Although they'll miss your company, at least they'll know the situation is only temporary. If you play your cards right now, you'll have more free time later.

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