
You're about to complete a project. Resist the temptation to take a break. It's better to keep working until completion. At that point, you'll be able to enjoy an extended break. Travelling overseas is a strong possibility. Head for a cosmopolitan city famous for its restaurants, shops and cultural diversions. By the time you return, word will have spread of your talent and you'll be offered some plum assignments. It just goes to show how important it is to balance work with play.

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After contemplating a big change, you will get a clear sign to put a plan into motion. Ignoring this signal will be a serious source of regret. You'll have to put some money on the line. It's possible you'll have to live apart from loved ones while developing a business. Don't worry. Your nearest and dearest will be cheering you from behind the scenes. Have you been harbouring a crush on someone special? Confess your feelings; you'll get an enthusiastic response.

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Learning about a different culture will be inspiring. Taking an advanced art course or exploring a spiritual practice is strongly devised. Changing course will make you aware of the endless possibilities open to you. Contrary to popular belief, life doesn't stop after you've established roots. You can always branch in a new direction. Fortunately, your family supports your desire to try something different. Lean on them when anxiety threatens to overwhelm you.

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You feel like you're caught in a rut. It might be worth thinking about changing your image. Splash out on a talented stylist whose work you admire. Together, you can confer on changes that will highlight your natural good looks. If you're happy with your hair, think about splashing out on new clothes and accessories. A fashionable Libra or Pisces can steer you to choices that are best suited to you. Don't be afraid to take some chances; risks pay off handsomely now.

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Put your vivid imagination to work. Wonderful ideas have been coming to you at odd times. Keep a notebook to record all these thoughts. Soon, you'll feel compelled to begin an art project that requires all your attention. You might not even have time for an amorous alliance. Don't worry; an attentive admirer is willing to wait for you. Right now, you have to develop this project while you're filled with enthusiasm. Setting it aside will only cause it to wither on the vine.

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You have to take control of your personal life. Having your own place will make your confidence soar. If this means leaving a bad relationship and striking out on your own, so be it. Even if you're sharing a home with someone who is kind, you may want to run your own household, just as a means to become more independent. Move closer to an area where there are job opportunities in your desired field. Find ways to increase your income. Develop your talent for creating a comfortable abode.

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You can make your desires come true if you really try. Don't be afraid to defy convention. You've been blessed with extraordinary talent. There's no reason for you to lead an ordinary life. Landing a career in the arts, living abroad and running your own business are among the possibilities. Stuffy relatives will try to discourage you from pursuing your heart's desire. Ignore their warnings. You're not the type who can thrive in dull surroundings. Strive for a life that is rich in art, culture and pleasure.

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Recently, you've been grappling with a difficult situation. Life is taking a turn for the better. Celebrate small victories, even if they seem like tiny drops in a huge bucket. When you concentrate on your good fortune, it will expand. If small things go wrong, stay calm. Be philosophical. Look for ways to make setbacks work to your advantage. This positive attitude will win the admiration of an executive who is looking for help. Don't be surprised if you're offered a job in a creative organisation.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You turn heads wherever you go, which is no surprise. An ability to radiate charm and positive energy is opening doors. If you long for a change, now is the time to pursue it. This could mean anything from applying for a job to moving overseas to launching an artistic project. Don't bother thinking in practical terms. You can actually manifest reality by picturing it. Spend a few minutes each day envisioning your dream life. Slowly but surely, your heart's desire will start taking shape.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone who is fun, interesting and a little shallow will make their way into your life. Together, you'll enjoy playing practical jokes and making the round of parties. Although you shouldn't entrust your new friend with secrets, you can rely on them for amusement. Stop heaping more work on your plate. If you don't let off steam, you'll fall victim to stress. Fortunately, your partner in crime will help tear you away from the countless obligations that have been weighing on you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An executive who has a talent for making money will ask for your help. Acting as an assistant to this bigwig will be rewarding, both financially and emotionally. In the past, people scoffed at your lofty visions. Now you have an opportunity to develop exciting ideas. Don't be surprised if a new product or service becomes a cultural sensation. You've always had a knack for detecting growing trends. This gift will result in handsome profits for you and your employer.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Get ready to seize a career opportunity the moment it arrives. You don't want a competitor to snatch this job away. Getting paid to exercise your creativity will cause your confidence to soar. Stuffy people have always teased you for being fanciful. They'll eat their words when they see you earning lots of money for your vivid imagination. Are you unemployed? Think about acting as a consultant to businesses or individuals so that you can earn a salary and keep your freedom.

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