
Furthering your education will give you a greater measure of independence. Although it will take a long time to earn an advanced degree, the effort will pay off. You're tired of taking a series of dead end jobs. Expert knowledge will prepare you for a rewarding career. Don't bother studying a boring subject that will put you in a lucrative field. Pursue an area that has fascinated you since childhood. When you do what you love, the money will follow.

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Gaining access to secret information will put you in a powerful position. Don't spread these secrets throughout your social circle. Keep them to yourself. This will give you a hidden financial advantage. Knowing where to shop can save a tremendous amount of money. If the powers that be become aware of a hole in the system, they will be quick to plug it. As long as the rules allow you to obtain radically discounted merchandise, you can have a clear conscience.

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A business partnership will give you access to an exclusive organisation. Getting a guest membership will allow you to mix and mingle with people in your desired industry. Don't underestimate the importance of contacts. Although what you know is important, whom you know is sometimes even more critical. Fortunately, you're able to get along with individuals from all walks of life. Your open minded attitude and enthusiasm for life make you a popular figure.

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Don't undervalue your abilities. You have a lot to bring to the table. There's no reason you should be intimidated by brash rivals who pretend to know it all. Actually, you are seen as a valued member of the team, thanks to your ability to work well without lots of drama. Some people are so insecure they need to draw attention to themselves with outrageous behaviour. You prefer demonstrating your worth by doing good work. This quality will take you far.

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Don't take your creative talent for granted. Continue to develop it through practice and instruction. Taking a course with a talented artist will be helpful. You'll learn valuable methods which will come in handy sooner than you think. Exercising your imagination gives you an attractive glow that is hard to resist. Several admirers may come forward to try winning your heart. Your loyalty belongs to an experienced visionary. This amour adds a welcome dash of spice to your life.

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Spending time at home gives you a welcome sense of stability. Work has been extremely demanding, which drains your energy. Being able to put your feet up and let your hair down is a welcome relief. If you haven't seen a favourite relative in a long time, give them a call. You'll have lots of fun catching up with each other. A reunion could be in the works. Arrange to meet halfway between your respective homes. You'll enjoy a break from the job.

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Learning a skill will be more difficult than you think. Give yourself permission to be a beginner. Every mistake you make will be valuable. Knowing what not to do is as valuable as learning the ropes. Are you single? You could find romance with a fellow student. It's difficult to resist the charm of a bold rebel. You nicely balance each other's strengths and weaknesses. If you already have a partner, you'll receive a beautiful tribute from your amour.

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Building financial security is your first priority. Take this opportunity to land a lucrative job, ask for a raise or launch a successful business. Your duties may be unusual and your work days will be varied. This keeps you from growing stale. You have a tendency to get bogged down in comfortable routines. When you're forced to think on your feet, you generate some impressive work. It will be easy to outperform the competition. Working for a commission is strongly advised.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You will be expected to take charge of a difficult project. Nobody else has the practical or diplomatic skills to handle this job. Fortunately, your team respects you and will follow orders. It may be necessary to be sharp with someone who likes thumbing their nose at authority. Once you establish who is really the boss, this troublemaker will fall in line. Be sure to praise the hardworking members of the team who keep their heads down and stay focused on their tasks.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You are sensitive to a relative's feelings. Providing guidance will require diplomacy. This family member doesn't like being vulnerable. Offering to show them how to operate some equipment might raise their hackles. It can help to describe your own frustrations with this technology and then offer to demonstrate a few shortcuts. This will put you both on a level playing field allowing for a teaching opportunity. Don't be surprised if you learn interesting details about this relative's childhood.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Working for a charitable institution will change your perspective about the world. People who used to make you angry or depressed will suddenly merit your compassion. That's because you'll be meeting these individuals and hearing their stories. Working to help those who are less fortunate will be uplifting. You'll start looking at your own problems in a much different light. Things that once got under your skin will seem relatively unimportant. Give thanks for all your blessings; they are considerable.

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Take every opportunity to learn different aspects of your industry. The more you know, the greater you will be valued by the job market. You will have an opportunity to get a raise. Don't expect this request to be granted immediately. You'll have to press hard to get what you want, but you will be successful. Have a list of your most recent accomplishments. Outlining your contributions will force your employer's hand, resulting in a salary that reflects your true worth.

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