
Let your creative side out to play. If it's been years since you've indulged your imagination, visit an art supply store. Being surrounded by paintbrushes, decorative paper, ink and glue will inspire you. Purchase whatever materials fill you with excitement. Then spread them over a wide surface and start to play. The sense of liberation will be powerful. Too often, you are forced to adapt your ideas to someone else's vision. Take this opportunity to follow your own impulses.

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Spending time on your own will be comforting. Although you love your friends and relatives, they can sometimes drain your energy. Take this opportunity to read, listen to music or write in your diary. Any activity that allows you to reconnect with your private side will be therapeutic. You have an important decision to make. It's better to consult your conscience than be led by others. In the end, you're the one who will have to live with your choice.

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If you feel overwhelmed. Tidying up your living space will give shape to your thinking. It will be easier to set priorities and complete tasks. A restless person like you sometimes has difficulty focusing on what needs to be done. When this happens, it pays to simplify. Clear counters, blank walls and clean surfaces will fill you with excitement instead of despair. Take a few hours out of your busy schedule to purge the area of clutter, dirt and garbage. Your productivity will soar.

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Domestic pursuits make you feel centred and self assured. Devote the lion's share of your time to family. Preparing meals together is a great way to connect with your nearest and dearest. Even small children can be given simple jobs. Try to find ways to let the whole group participate. If you live by yourself, focus on creating a support network of friends, neighbours and colleagues. It's important for a community oriented individual like you to be surrounded by caring people.

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Embarking on an adventure is a welcome relief. It's not healthy for you to get too comfortable. You're a creature of habit who enjoys familiar routines. Unfortunately, this tendency dulls your artistic edge. The best way to keep your creative juices flowing is to try new things and explore unfamiliar vistas. Continue to travel, study and experimentation, even when it's inconvenient. If you're looking for love, you could find it while enjoying a short trip out of town.

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You're extremely determined to move up the career ladder. Acquiring marketable skills is an important piece of the puzzle, but it's not the only thing you can do to get ahead. Making friends with people in your desired industry is critical. If this means joining a professional organisation, do it. Work to overcome your inhibitions. Introducing yourself to influential people will increase your success. What you know is important, but whom you know is even more crucial to landing your dream job.

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You will be asked to plan a big gathering. This assignment is right up your alley. Planning a menu, guest list and venue appeals to your social nature. You're always hearing about hot new places and fun themes. Putting your own spin on this event will be a welcome challenge. After you have tremendous success with this event, you'll be asked to arrange others. Feel free to charge a fee for your services. It takes lots of time and energy to put together a party that seems spontaneous.

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Reach out to someone who feels alienated. Your compassion will make a huge difference. Soon, instead of lurking around the outskirts of the group, they'll start joining in. Other members of the team will respond well to their enthusiasm and make room for this newcomer. Your ability to sympathise with the underdog is a true gift. It helps you make friends with people at all levels of the organisation. It's important because you never know who will be in a position to help you in a few years.

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You're determined to reach your goal, even if it means going above and beyond the call of duty. This willingness to work hard and take risks will pay off. Every time a naysayer tries to block your path, step around them. Go on as if they don't even exist. This determination will cause the opposition to dry up like salted snails. Soon, you'll not only reach your ambition; you'll surpass it. When a rival sees what you've accomplished, they'll beg you to join their team.

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Sharing resources with someone who needs them makes you feel good. At times, you feel self conscious about having so much bounty. While you work hard for everything you get, it seems unfair that so many people are struggling. Helping a friend or relative make ends meet will make you feel better about your situation. If more successful people were as generous as you, the world would be a much better place. Continue to do what you can when the opportunity arises.

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Your willpower is no match for a persuasive salesperson. Once you set your mind on something, it is nearly impossible to change it. This comes in handy when you want a bargain. By arming yourself with plenty of knowledge beforehand, you can get a fantastic price on a car, home or appliance. Set a maximum price you are willing to pay and don't change it. It may take longer to get the deal you want, but you'll save a considerable amount of money as a result.

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You have a reputation for being fair and honest, which is why people enjoy dealing with you. When your boss tries to make you cut corners, dig in your heels. You want to please them but shouldn't jeopardise your reputation in the process. Confrontation has never been your strong suit, but don't shy away from it. The sooner people realise you can't be pushed around, the easier your life will become. Fight for what's right. There are worse things in life than being difficult.

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