
A friend's thrilling news could have exciting implications for you, too; be prepared to form a joint venture. You're long overdue for some positive changes, anyway. Some more timid members of your crowd may try to convince you to slow down, but pay them no heed. The important thing is that you're calling the shots this time.

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An impulsive act could give you cause for regret later on; remember, your reputation is on the line. If you really want to dispense with convention, begin a creative project in the privacy of your own home. That way, you won't draw criticism from folks who could be of service to you in the future.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Travel beckons as Mercury, your ruling star, pairs with impulsive Uranus; throw a few things in a bag and go! Practical arrangements have a way of taking care of themselves. It's as though this trip was meant to be. If you can't get away, attend a lecture or class on a whim. New worlds are opening. Leave the past behind.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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An ingenious idea for making your resources stretch farther could change your financial prospects considerably. Maybe it's time you started paying off your debts. Once you're independent, you'll be able to realise your dreams with a minimum of effort. Have you given up on owning your dream house? Don't -- things are looking up!

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Your mate could get a terrific opportunity to move forward with their career, but the news seems a little threatening to you. Get over your fears and rejoice. The two of you will benefit so long as you stick together. Jealousy and backbiting are the death knell for any relationship. Besides, this could mean more money for you!

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Your health gets a giant boost courtesy Mercury, your ruling planet, and whimsical Uranus. It's as though all the energy that's been drained from you these past few days comes surging back all at once. Starting an exercise regimen or new diet can have wonderful results, provided you stay in this positive frame of mind. Action follows thought.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You finally get the inspiration you've been praying for to finish an old project that's been laying around the house. The question remains, what are you going to do now? Perhaps you should turn your attention to a form of artistic expression you haven't tried before. Your potential is limitless right now.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Proposing a new way to organise your household may go over like a lead balloon, so be prepared for an initial rejection. As the day progresses, though, your family may warm to your plan. In the meantime, busy yourself with a writing project. Expressing your feelings is key if you're going to get over a grudge.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Watch your tongue today, especially if an overeager child does something to destroy your hard work. After all, they were only trying to help. The more patient you are, the easier it will be for you to forge a supportive relationship. Besides, it's not as though you haven't made similar mistakes in the past!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An unpleasant surprise could prompt you to look for solutions to a persistent economic problem. Perhaps it's time you learned some investment strategies instead of putting all of your extra money into a savings account. That way, you'll feel less tempted to draw on your nest egg when little emergencies occur.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Taking up a new hobby could become a full-time occupation if you want it to be; never mind what your relatives say. The important thing is that your mind is engaged and that your curiosity is satisfied. Uranus, your ruling planet, makes you crave offbeat activities, especially when it pairs with mental Mercury. Follow your bliss.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're quite adventurous about meeting new people, so be sure to introduce yourself around at a social gathering. Unconventional types have a way of making your heart race today. Maybe it's a sign that you need more adventure in your own life. Playing it safe isn't your style, anyway. Do your best to raise some eyebrows!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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