
Ordering people around will create resentment. Be more respectful of people's dignity. Just because you are someone's supervisor doesn't give you the right to treat them like dirt. Be courteous, even if you're not being treated with respect. The tide will turn. Taking a break from work will be therapeutic. Lately, you've been burning the candle at both ends. Put out the fire and get some rest. A few days off work will be therapeutic.

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You're tired of dealing with a fanatic. Be direct about how their diatribes bother you. Tell them you're no longer willing to listen to their views on religion, politics or culture. If they ignore you, cut off the relationship or file a complaint. Spending time on calls your friends will lift your spirits. You enjoy brainstorming with fellow artists. It feels so good to have your ideas greeted with excitement and enthusiasm. Get started on a painting, song or design. Exercising your imagination brings out the best in you.

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Your partner's financial difficulties are putting undue stress on your relationship. The only person's behaviour you can control is your own. Therefore, you must do whatever you can to feel better about your life. Open a separate bank account or find another source of income. A dream job will become available. The prospect of taking on such a high-profile position might make you feel a little nervous. Push past your fear and apply for it anyway. Getting paid to exercise your imagination will fill you with joy.

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Don't let a business or romantic partner dominate you. Although you appreciate their help, there are some decisions you'd like to make yourself. Stop taking a back seat to them. Becoming more assertive will help your relationship, not hurt it. Taking a relaxing walk along the waterside is strongly advised. Being near the water helps you connect with your spiritual side. Brilliant breakthroughs will occur after watching the waves lap the shore. Obey an impulse to call a friend, write a song or break a bad habit.

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Your natural state is healthy. When you experience illness, it's because you're pinching yourself off from wellness. Instead of dwelling on aches and pains, praise your body for serving you well. Get some gentle exercise and rest when you are tired. An attentive romantic partner will be eager to make you feel better. Let them take chores off your plate. If they volunteer to give you a back rub, accept. Above all, let their compliments and praise sink into your bones.

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It's tempting to abandon yourself to pleasure, but this will only turn small problems into big ones. People are depending on you to deliver on promises. If you take the day off, you'll put a colleague in an embarrassing position. After you dispatch your duties, you can run back into your amour's arms. Are you single? You could meet someone special while processing paperwork, delivering some materials or helping someone relocate. Work paves the way to love. There's a silver lining to every cloud.

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Is a relative getting on your nerves? Stop falling for their power plays. When you don't respond to their provocative remarks, they'll become deflated and look for someone else to torment. The adage is true: It takes two to tango. An ache or pain can be quieted by an alternative healing therapy. Although acupressure and Reiki would normally be worth exploring perhaps this time try aromatherapy. Ask a friend for a recommendation on who to speak to for advice. They'll direct you to the right practitioner for you. You'll appreciate an attentive listener.

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An argument with a relative or neighbour is driving you to distraction. The less you focus on this disagreement, the faster it will be resolved. When you can't take your mind off this dispute, make a list of positive aspects about your tormentor. An art project is another welcome distraction from anger. Get your hands dirty with clay or paint. Fill your notebook with some amusing observations about work. Your imagination is a rocket ship. Let it take you to beautiful and compelling places.

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You're tempted to file a lawsuit against a business that committed a minor infraction. Before letting your temper get the best of you, take a few deep breaths. Making a mountain out of this molehill will cost time, money and energy. Change your focus. Domestic activities can soothe your nerves. Take this opportunity to prepare some comfort food, put fresh linens on the bed or plan a garden. If you're lonely, invite friends to a group chat.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're having difficulty conforming to the new social norms. That's an unusual situation for a traditionalist like you. Right now, you can't make sense of a current trend of remaining silent in the face of abuse. Continue to speak out, even if it causes trouble. A creative project serves as a healthy outlet for frustrations. Take this opportunity to develop an idea for a novel or screenplay you've been toying with for years. After putting a few ideas down on paper, the words will flow like a mighty river.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A secret enemy is causing problems at work. If you keep getting in trouble, it may be because this colleague is blaming you for their mistakes. Be more proactive about accounting for your actions. The true perpetrator will be revealed. Are you looking for a new way to make money? You can make a tidy profit by selling your artwork. Whether you throw pottery, bake cakes, write stories or build furniture, you can build a profitable cottage industry. Get to work.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Be respectful of the rights of others. Inconsiderate behaviour will drive a wedge between you and a friend. Resist the temptation to poke into their private affairs. You may have access to some of their information, but refrain from reading their messages; it may be an unforgivable violation. Your magnetism is powerful. Use it to lure someone special into your web of amour. You're charmed by their offbeat sense of humour, while they enjoy your vivid imagination. Invite them out to a candlelit dinner when the restaurants re-open and advice is given on this kind of social interaction.

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