
You have a chance to increase your income. Entering a stable industry will allow you to build a secure foundation that will sustain you for a lifetime. Work involving property, luxury goods and agriculture is especially lucrative. If you're happy with your current job, ask for a raise or increase your fees. You're one of the most reliable people in the organisation and your boss knows it. They should pay you accordingly. Are you unemployed? This is your chance to land a better paid job.

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Your star power is evident to everyone. Use this golden opportunity to promote your agenda, make a sales pitch, ask for a date or interview for a job. You're sure to make a fabulous impression. People are receptive to your velvet voice and relaxed attitude. Other people can try to elbow you out of the way, but you won't budge. This is your time; enjoy it to the fullest. Submitting your creative work for review could earn fame and fortune.

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You will ask to exert leadership from behind the scenes. At first, you may resent the fact you won't get credit for your work. A prominent person is depending on you to bolster their reputation. Although the situation is less than perfect, it has potential. Someone who knows the score will be impressed by your contributions and offer you a prominent role in their organisation. At that point, you can assume your rightful place in the sun.

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Having friends in high places pays off. Don't hesitate to ask for a few favours, especially when it comes to pursuing a childhood dream. Your loved ones will be happy for a chance to assist you, after you've served them for so long. Every relationship involves give and take. You're very good at lavishing love, but have difficulty receiving it. Let this be your chance to strike a healthier balance. Let people pull a few strings on your behalf.

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An exciting career prospect will become available. You should apply for a better job, even if you think it's out of your league. You'll make such a good impression on the interview that you could get an immediate offer. Are you happy with your current position? Be prepared to be handed some additional responsibility. You'll beautifully rise to these challenges. If there's anything you love, it's representing your company with dignity, grace and glamour. There's no better spokesperson than you.

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You have a chance to expand your horizons. Taking an advanced course, travelling abroad or launching a new and enterprising venture are all among the possibilities. Don't hesitate to put your expert knowledge on display. People enjoy your detailed explanations of fascinating concepts. You're always willing to stop and help people who are struggling with sophisticated concepts. Thanks to your care and attention, you'll turn casual interest into infectious enthusiasm. It's a joy to be celebrated for your wisdom instead of teased for it.

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Your charisma is powerful. It helps to break down other people's defences. Don't be surprised when you become incredibly close after a period of struggle. Instead of looking at you with suspicion, your amour will put their faith in you. Are you single? You could meet the love of your life at a park, garden or bakery. Be ready to make the first move, as the object of your affection may be too shy to approach you.

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Forming a partnership will help you go far. Seek help from someone who is stable, artistic and practical. Between their diligence and your passion, you'll reach heights you never thought possible. Are you already in a relationship? Encourage your amour to pursue a childhood dream. With your support, they'll move out of a dead-end situation and into a much more rewarding lifestyle. As a result, you'll become closer than ever. Like a garden, romances need time, attention and gentle care to flourish.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Starting a health regime will be effective. You brim with restless energy. Unless you have an outlet for it, you become anxious. Take up a sport, join a gym or schedule sessions with a personal trainer. The key to your success is settling into a routine. Although you prefer playing things by ear, it's better to set aside a certain time each day for physical activity. That way, you won't skip workouts when you get busy. A social butterfly like you is easily distracted unless you make firm plans.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Fun and games follow you everywhere. Instead of pouring all your energy into work, abandon yourself to pleasure. If you're single, you will meet someone special at a gourmet restaurant, luxury boutique or cologne counter. You'll be captivated by their earthy humour, while they'll admire your achievements. Are you already in a relationship? Sneak off to a country that is famous for its natural beauty. The gorgeous surroundings will fuel your mutual passion. Don't forget to buy some local artwork to always remind you of this trip.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spending time at home makes you feel peaceful and settled. You're always brimming with ideas. Take this opportunity to let these concepts gel. Talking to a practical relative will be instructive. They'll give you great advice on turning a bold concept into reality. You might want to enlist their help in getting this vision off the ground. At times, you'll think their methods are stuffy. Resist the urge to complain. They may be slow, but they are effective.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your communication skills are top notch. If you've ever wanted to write a book, launch a blog or record a podcast, now is the time to do so. People are receptive to your artistic sensibilities. At first, your followers will consist of friends, relatives and neighbours. Soon, word will spread of your talent and you'll have a loyal fan base from all over the world. It's simply a matter of putting one foot in front of the other. A journal of a thousand pages begins with a single word.

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