
Normally, you move at the speed of light. That is starting to change. Allow yourself to rest, relax and daydream. Building castles in the air will be a welcome relief from multitasking. If you're overdue for a holiday, take one. Head for a beautiful destination by the sea. The sight of water will soothe your ragged nerves. Even a staycation can be therapeutic. Take this opportunity to catch up on your reading, watch some good movies and listen to music. Feed your love for beauty.

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A brainstorming session will yield lots of fruit. If you've been struggling with creative block, meet with some fellow artists. Describe the project and ask for advice. You'll get some helpful feedback on fixing a problem and going in a new direction. You've been blessed with a vivid imagination. It can sometimes dry up when you focus too intently on work. When you begin to dry up, take a walk. Go to the store. Do some chores. When your intellect is busy, your subconscious will come out to play.

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A job interview will go extremely well. You're able to communicate in a clear, compelling way that impresses people. If you're happy with your current position, don't be surprised when you're offered a promotion. A new division involving lots of responsibility will open. Your boss will want you to oversee this department. They trust you to make important decisions without generating lots of drama. Having the courage of your convictions helps you to command respect. Maintain a professional tone at all times.

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You have an opportunity to gain expert knowledge. Taking an advanced course will be challenging. It may be necessary to get some additional tutoring to absorb complicated concepts. Do whatever is necessary to master these concepts. Once you pass the final exam, you'll have your choice of assignments. There's a strong possibility you'll be sent on a series of glamorous business trips as the result of this training. Check to see if your passport is up to date. Investing in nice luggage is also advised.

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Unconventional beliefs set you apart from the crowd. Don't be afraid to challenge someone who assumes everyone in the group has the same convictions. Once people know where you stand, you'll be given a greater measure of freedom. You'll also become a source of romantic attraction. Someone who admires your unique outlook will invite you out to dinner. If you're single, agree. Do you already have a partner? Don't do anything to betray your amour's trust. Give them a token of your love instead.

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Your charm, wit and intelligence make you a popular figure. If you've been looking for love, you'll find it easily. Post a provocative profile on a dating site; you'll get several enthusiastic responses. Going out with an artist will be stimulating. You'll enjoy hearing about their work and they'll appreciate your insightful remarks. Are you already in a relationship? Let your amour lavish you with affection. You're usually the one to wait on them; it's time to reverse roles.

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Take this opportunity to make some proposals at work. Recently, your bright ideas were swept aside by a critical manager. Now that their conventional attitudes have produced disappointing results, they'll be more open to your ideas. If you have developed an interesting product or service, demand a percentage of the profits. You're tired of making other people wealthy with your creativity. This is your chance to reap the benefits of your innovative thinking. Alternatively, you might decide to market this concept yourself.

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Normally, you prefer keeping a low profile. Now you are seeking the spotlight. Showcasing your creative ability, promoting a business or auditioning for jobs are among the possibilities. For the past few weeks, you've been eclipsed by less talented people. This is your opportunity to get the recognition and pay you deserve. Have you been trying to win someone's heart? A person who was once indifferent to your attention will suddenly become responsive. Take this opportunity to ask for a date.

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Your thoughts are centred around your home and family. Concern for a relative will prompt you to make some enquiring phone calls. Getting professional care for this loved one will take a great weight of your shoulders. Until recently, you've coped admirably with their special needs. Now it's time to get more help. You simply can't continue to put your life on hold for theirs. There are many resources available for someone in your situation. Stop apologising for needing assistance. You are not alone, nor should you be.

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You'll have an opportunity to catch up on chores that have been mounting. Running errands, doing housework and returning correspondence will give you a sense of momentum. You'll be especially relieved to connect with someone you haven't heard from in weeks. Both of you have been so busy that it's been impossible to chat. Catching up on each other's lives will be illuminating. Prepare to hear some information that radically changes your outlook of a news story.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The lightning pace of the technological age is beginning to wear on your nerves. Force yourself to slow down and smell the flowers. Instead of spending hours on social media, turn off your electronic devices at a set time each day. Pick up a book instead of watching the news. Write a letter rather than making a phone call. Forgo a big party for a soak in the tub. Slowly but surely, anxiety will be replaced by a sense of profound peace.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Exploring new ideas will be refreshing. You're tired of carrying out the same old routine. Taking a course or reading a book will help you find a new direction. Don't be surprised when you get an opportunity to share what you've learned with a local club. Your enthusiasm about this subject is infectious. There's a good chance you'll begin a fad that sweeps the entire neighbourhood. Never underestimate your ability as a trendsetter. You have good instincts about what the public needs to stay engaged with the world. Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Monday 19th February 2018

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