
Getting the most for your money is critical. Don't hesitate to negotiate a better deal than is originally offered. If you want a raise, now is a good time to ask for it. Don't be swayed by your boss's argument that nobody else is making such a high salary. You do the work of three employees, and should be compensated accordingly. Resist the urge to buy an expensive status symbol. You'll find a better price towards the end of summer.

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You're relaxed and content to enjoy life as it unfolds. This laid back attitude frustrates certain relatives, but that can't be helped. Don't be swayed by their attempts to stir up trouble. You'll have much more fun hanging out with friends. Plan to meet a big group after hours. Treat yourself to some delicious food and drink. This will get the week off to a satisfying start, allowing you to cope with any potential skirmishes ahead.

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Trust your intuition when it comes to financial matters. You'll have a wonderful opportunity to make some extra money by looking after a neighbour's pets, children, or plants. Don't contradict an expert who wants you to take a certain approach. Although you're always eager to find shortcuts, this is simply not the time to experiment. Do things by the book, or you'll end up in hot water with people who prefer to keep things the way they are and don't want to make any changes.

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Spending time with friends brings out the best in you. Lately, you've had to do battle with a demanding authority figure. Being with people who love and appreciate you will cause all the residual stress to vanish into thin air. Don't overestimate your financial security. Now is not the time to splurge on a package holiday. Besides, it will be difficult to take time off now, when things are ramping up on the home front. Wait until autumn to take a relaxing journey.

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You're determined to be recognised for your unique contributions. You have a talent for creating a relaxed, luxurious environment wherever you go. People are willing to pay good money for you to decorate, design, and arrange their workplaces. Maybe you should go into business for yourself. Unfortunately, your best friend or partner isn't very encouraging right now. Turn a deaf ear to their gloomy predictions. You're entirely capable of becoming a huge success.

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Your beliefs aren't so easily swayed. A religious zealot or political activist won't make much headway with you. Still, you want to get involved in a meaningful cause. Think about the issues that are close to your heart. Working on behalf of the environment or animal rights might be just what the doctor ordered. Lately, you've felt isolated. Joining a group will be reassuring. Contrary to what the media would have you believe, there are lots of people working to make the world a better place.

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Additional benefits are available through your job. You must take advantage of these perks, whether it's a retirement plan, travel pass, or free tickets. Lately, you've been spending lots of money going out with friends. By recouping some of these losses through untraditional means, you'll be able to make your budget stretch farther. Beware of trying to buy someone's affections. You should be able to win their affection with your natural wit and charm. Don't be so quick to reach for your wallet.

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It's difficult not to be jealous of a partner's success. You've been working just as hard, but the results have been disappointing. Swallow your resentment and arrange a special celebration for your friend. The sooner you enter into the spirit of things, the more genuinely happy you'll become. You might want to give yourself some small reward for all of your efforts. After all, you've been very diligent about meeting deadlines and raising the quality of your work.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're very disciplined when it comes to work, finding all sorts of inventive ways to make resources stretch far. Unfortunately, your colleagues are less responsible and may be undermining your efforts. It's time to alert your boss to the problem, or you'll be implicated in the financial shortfall. You hate tattling on others, but sometimes it's the only way to rectify problems. Turn a deaf ear to an expert who is always demanding special treatment. If you make an exception for them everyone else will complain.

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Physical affection is critical to your happiness. You're a very sensual person, and love being held, cuddled, and kissed. If you're single, treat yourself to a massage. Just the sensation of being gently touched will make your spirits soar. Do you have a lover? Then lay the groundwork for a romantic evening. Pull out all the stops: candles, lingerie, and music. You don't have to spend a lot of money to create a sultry atmosphere.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Make your home as attractive and inviting as possible. Usually, you don't pay much attention to creature comforts. Recently you've had an urge to entertain. If you're not sure how to make your place more palatable, enlist the aid of a tasteful Taurus. With their help, you'll be able to create a lovely mix of warm colours, soft textures, and palatable scents. The best homes are a feast for the senses. It's time to hone your decorating skills.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're a slow learner, but once you master a subject, it sticks with you for life. Resist a colleague's efforts to rush you. By following your own pace, you'll be much happier. Depression has a way of distracting you from your goals. When you start losing heart, call a supportive friend. Their words of encouragement will keep you on track. It would be a shame if you threw in the towel just as you've started to gain momentum.

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