
You feel a strong need to break free from what has become the norm. Today's decisions could result in some upheaval in your private or professional life. There will be objections as not everyone is keen to make new starts. Try to remain aloof in the face of any negativity. Give it time and even your most stubborn companions will adapt to new circumstances.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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If single, some initiative will be needed to take advantage of romantic openings. Refuse to let fear of rejection hold you back. You don't want to look back on this day with a feeling of 'if only'. You would love someone else to do all the running but it's not going to happen. How will you feel in the future if you don't at least try to win yourself your heart's desire?

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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The way to handle problems today is to distance yourself from trivial bothers and disturbances. Refuse to allow other people's groans and grievances to obstruct your thinking. Clear your mind of anything but the important matters under consideration. If you get too bogged down with minor concerns you will make the wrong decisions. Your thinking needs to be clear and objective.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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If someone is pushing you to have the final say in a matter with long term consequences ask yourself why. Do others want you to be more independent? Or could it be they aren't keen on being held accountable if things go wrong? Leaving you to make the decision for them puts the onus onto you. Are you prepared for such a big responsibility?

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Someone who is usually stubborn shows they have a more flexible side today. A friend who is typically the last to adjust to change proves they can be adaptable and cooperative. Their clever suggestions will help you find a way around obstacles. If you are single, affectionate feelings are developing for a colleague.

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Today you could get mixed up in some kind of power struggle. This could be within the family but it is more likely to occur within a professional setting. The conflict will take more out of you than you realise. Someone wants to be the boss and it boosts their ego to be in charge. If you couldn't care less who gives the orders, for the sake of peace, go along with them!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Not everything will be to your liking but what you lose on the roundabout you will gain on the swings. Someone in a senior position could make a mistake to your advantage. If long term career plans require a period of specialised training, find the time and make the effort to do this. Going back on commitments already made will damage your professional reputation.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Keep all your dealings and actions above board and be sure you can trust those you are mixing with. Don't look on this as too bleak a day but do keep your wits about you. A financial or legal setback could occur because someone hasn't been honest with you. Despite the hurdles ahead, you will be determined to conquer all difficulties and win through.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you aren't keen on routine affairs, the chance to do something out of the ordinary could get you off the hook. Recently you have been lumbered with duties or commitments that should have gone to someone else. You might resent the way people seem to expect so much of you. Take the chance which now comes for you to break out of this rut.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Change is not something you welcome with open arms. You often bear the brunt of accusations of being unwilling to accept anything new. Today, you will consider new possibilities if they make sense to you. You aren't totally against change as some are about to see. You simply prefer to weigh up all the pros and cons before taking that final leap!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An old friend or lover who has been out of circulation for some time resurfaces! They may make you a proposition which takes you by surprise. Even to consider such an offer will generate tension in an existing union. If you value this relationship, put yourself in your partner's shoes and make your decisions with their needs and feelings in mind.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone you have always looked up to might make suggestions today that make you uneasy. You will be told of a way to achieve a personal ambition but is the method entirely legal? Think about how you might feel should schemes you get involved in become public knowledge. If the thought makes you embarrassed or uncomfortable, walk away.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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