
Your natural vitality is nowhere in evidence. Take this opportunity to rest, even if a friend is urging you to attend an online gathering. When you don't listen to your body, it will rebel. Dive into your pyjamas and go to sleep early. There are worse things in life than being alone. Get into the habit of enjoying some solitude each day. Soon, you'll start looking forward to these quiet interludes. It's even possible you'll take up a spiritual practice.

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You're easily bored and require lots of stimulation. Resist the urge to engage in foolhardy behaviour, especially with a wild friend. There's a difference between having fun and putting yourself in danger. Don't do anything to damage your hard-won reputation. Contrary to popular belief, money won't solve your problems. While there is nothing wrong with wanting creature comforts, they shouldn't make you lose sight of simple pleasures. Make time to listen to music, cuddle the loved ones you live with and enjoy nature.

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Are you insecure about your desirability? Don't be. People are drawn to you like moths to a flame. They admire your sparkling conversation, brilliant mind and sharp wit. You don't need to look like a model to attract ardent admirers. A hasty decision could result in disaster. Whether you need to make a big purchase or choose a career path, be slow and deliberate. Don't let anyone pressure you into making a decision before you are ready.

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You could be finding it harder than you ever imagined committing to a single romantic partner. A powerful urge to play the field informs and underpins everything you do. Lucky for you the current social distancing measures will prevent you making mistakes. If you're in a committed relationship, don't do anything to hurt your amour. It's time to face the facts about your creative ability. The more you practice, the better you will get. It isn't enough to have raw talent. You must polish it until it shines like a diamond. Get to work.

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You pour a great deal of energy into physical pleasure. When you don't get the sensual stimulation you desire, you become grumpy and morose. Are you single? Splash on some cologne, put on a silk shirt and cook yourself a gourmet meal. Beware of destroying an institution without having anything to replace it. Although you are contemptuous of this group, it provides stability for a great deal of vulnerable people. Focus on creating a better alternative; it's a much better use of your time.

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Beware of pushing around your romantic or business partner. By insisting on having your way all the time, you'll garner their resentment. All relationships involve give and take. Try being more receptive to your other half's ideas and be respectful of their tastes. Fear of change is holding you back as an artist. Be open to experimenting with cutting edge techniques and unfamiliar materials. Keep abreast of emerging trends. Above all, be open to working with budding creators. The most accomplished people continue to grow and evolve.

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You're fearful about letting your passions loose. Suppressing your desires will drive romance form your door. It's much better to be honest about what you want. Any worthy romantic partner will intend to satisfy your needs. If you're single, you'll meet someone special on a spiritual retreat. Beware of engaging in irresponsible behaviour. If you're involved in a physical relationship, take precautions. You don't want an intense encounter to be cause for regret. There's no excuse for losing your head when your health is at stake.

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Don't boast about your romantic conquests. Although you're justifiably proud of your sensual skills, it's not necessary to advertise them. Your charisma is obvious to everyone. Only your amour is privileged enough to how truly talented you are. Are you single? Let admirers wonder. The desire to dominate someone else is rooted in self-doubt. Instead of imposing serious limits on your amour, concentrate on developing your confidence. Cut out all self-criticism and give yourself rewards for taking risks. All your relationships will improve as a result.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Stress is building. Find a healthy outlet for it. Because you can't attend a big family gathering, you should commune with nature. Take your dog for a hike, go for a bike ride or take a casual stroll through your favourite park. Your anxiety will vanish. An idealistic view of romantic relationships is driving intimacy from your door. Rather than seeking the perfect partner, be open to meeting someone who excites your imagination. When measures are relaxed, you will find love with someone who is much different than you expected.

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Nervous energy makes you tired and irritable. Stop trying to analyse a confusing situation. By reminding yourself everything is always working out for you, you'll find your balance. Questions will be replaced by powerful convictions. You won't put a foot wrong. A stress-related illness can be stopped in its tracks. Take this opportunity to learn some relaxation techniques. Guided imagery, controlled breathing and body scans will allow your natural vitality to come flowing back. Headaches and back pain will become distant memories.

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Stop accepting every request for help that comes along. When someone begs you to join a volunteer effort, give them a polite but firm refusal. You've earned the right to enjoy your leisure time. If anyone accuses you of being selfish, so be it. Devoting more time to fun and adventure is strongly advised. Take this opportunity to look out for a bargain holiday on a relaxing beach. If you're single, you'll have no trouble attracting admirers. It won't be necessary to brag about your accomplishments; they'll be evident to everyone.

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Competing with rivals will leave you empty. Instead of testing your gifts against those of other capable people, give yourself a reward for having come this far. Splash out on some new clothes, get a home spa treatment or start looking through magazines to update your hairstyle. You're not as powerless as you think. Rather than asking loved ones to do your dirty work, tackle tough jobs yourself. Your confidence will grow with every attempt. Being able to support yourself financially will improve your self-image, as well as your intimate relationships.

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