
All ideas when acted on means something new and different will take place in the universe. Pushing for change can be difficult when you are aware of people who prefer things the way they are. Positive change cannot happen without someone taking action by accepting the burden of pitching new ideas and pushing to have them accepted. You've always been good at taking the initiative. Don't let anyone stop you from doing so now.

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The biggest cause of misunderstandings is miscommunication. For some people, communication skills come naturally. For others, it is a talent that needs to be developed. If you're tired of being misunderstood, take a good look at the way you convey your thoughts and feelings. Be rational about communicating your emotions. That way you will either work it out to your mutual satisfaction or you will accept you and another just aren't in tune.

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Someone, somewhere will be changing how they do something all because your ideas have influenced their life. Friendship and group activities will garnish you with the most happiness. So go out of your way to surround yourself with those you like to be with when it's time to let your hair down and relax. If there's someone at home who you care about be sure they don't feel left out. If they can't get out, why not invite friends and colleagues to your home?

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It's not turning your back on the past to decide it is time to move forward. Once you've got as much as possible out of a certain experience, life will become stale and uninteresting if you don't start searching for something new. If others aren't ready for a change, let them remain where they are. You don't need their approval if you feel ready to relocate or for a change in career. In fact, you need to look out for your own best interests now.

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Plenty of energy should have you keen to be on the go. All manner of interesting activities and pastimes will keep you busy. The trouble may arise later when you run out of things to do but still feel full of pep. The answer lies in a little forward planning. See what's on offer locally or check whether a friend would like some company this evening. If no one has anything planned, invite some friends round for a little get together this evening.

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A clash of opinion connected to family life or the home is best dealt with by simply changing the subject. It's no use relying on past events to strengthen your case if no one knows what you are talking about and you haven't any evidence to prove what you are saying. It could even be that your memory about such matters is playing tricks on you. What's happening locally will bring pleasure your way.

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Uncertainty about how others might react to your enthusiasm and high spirits makes you nervous. Constantly suppressing your natural exuberance will be like suppressing your creative flame. You strive to be helpful and cooperative and because you're such a good listener you have a good idea of what other people expect when they're with you. Remaining subdued for the sake of peace is starting to stifle your enthusiasm until eventually it will get snuffed out altogether.

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Life is simply what you make of it. If you aren't keen on anything that's going on around you, be prepared to go further afield in your pursuit of pleasure and fun. The joy you get from life and your relationships will have a lot to do with how much effort you put into it. The point is you have the freedom to choose what you want to do now and in your future. So if you aren't happy, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for yourself, get out searching for new opportunities.

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Personal relationships will need extra effort from you but these efforts will be more than rewarded. That's why you shouldn't begrudge time spent getting to know others better. Also develop any creative skills you may possess. You have some good ideas but keep the more complicated ones to yourself. The time is not quite right for any really ambitious projects. Even so don't scrap your ideas as you will get the chance to revive them at a later date.

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Listen to the views of your friends and loved ones. Personal plans could conflict with other people's expectations and this will call for a spirit of give and take in your relationships. If someone accuses you of being biased when putting your thoughts forward at least stop and consider why they may have made this accusation. You aren't in the mood to wait patiently while others make their minds up but you may have no choice.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Making up instead of breaking up sounds like a good idea to you but it's no good if a partner doesn't share your feelings. They may feel differently once they've calmed down so don't make a no turning back decision. Leave the door open just a crack so they can come back if they choose. The ball's in their court now. You would never force anyone to remain in a place or situation they don't want to be in.

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Turning your back on a problem as a means of escaping it isn't going to work. You know it too but you just don't feel ready to face up to this issue. It will take time and you are nowhere near reaching a resolution but at least you are admitting to having a problem. You can't run away from it as it will dog your footsteps and follow you wherever you go. Don't let others load you with their problems and demands. You need to focus on your own life today.

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