
As much as you hate to do so, you will have to play favourites. You're facing a situation where two equally good candidates are up for a job. Pick the person you like best. If your decision is challenged, be honest about your choice. You have a perfect right to assess someone on the basis of their personality. After all, teamwork is a critical part of your duties. The rejected party is bound to be disappointed, but that can't be helped.

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Are you turning into a workaholic? While it is great that you want to do a good job, there should be a limit to how much you will do. After a certain point, you can't be effective. Go home and recharge your batteries. Attend a festive party. Reconnect with an old friend. Do whatever it takes to restore the balance between your personal and professional lives. If you've been looking for work, you may get disappointing news about a job. Don't worry; a better opportunity is on the horizon.

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Don't overestimate your charms. You may be passed over for a romantic rival. If this happens, remain philosophical. There's a good choice you simply aren't suited to the object of your affection. Keep your eyes open for a more acceptable candidate. Are you already in a relationship? Think about sprucing up your appearance. Taking extra pains with your morning routine could have an impressive impact on your love life. You will have to work to keep the passion alive.

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Try not to get defensive when someone confronts you with a problem. Actually, you have contributed to this situation. Now you have an opportunity to resolve the dilemma. Be open to suggestions. Resist the temptation go into a shame spiral. By demonstrating you are open to self improvement, you'll win the support of even your greatest detractors. You'll also put a long standing problem permanently behind you. It will be a relief to finally conquer this demon.

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This isn't a good time to make hasty decisions. If you're not sure how to proceed with a job, ask your boss. It's embarrassing to admit your ignorance, but it is better than doing the work incorrectly. Be patient and ask questions if you don't understand the instructions. It could take time to fully master this process. Others seem to have no trouble with this part of the job, but you're different. That's fine. You outshine your colleagues in other areas.

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Jealousy could rear its ugly head in a relationship. It isn't healthy to monitor someone's behaviour. You need to develop your own interests and pursuits. If a friend or lover is trying to exercise control over you, put your foot down. You're too intelligent and creative to be reined in by a possessive person. The more rewarding relationships are founded on trust. When that's not present, it's a sign to move on to greener pastures.

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It's hard to control your anger at a stubborn relative. Instead of trying to get them to adopt your views, make a strategic retreat. There's a good chance the two of you will never see eye to eye on a majority of issues. You're simply too different. Therefore, you either need to accept each other or get some distance. You may find it easier to get along when you communicate less. That's because you won't constantly be subjected to inconsiderate behaviour and ignorant remarks.

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Making your mark will be difficult. All of your contributions have fallen on deaf ears. Instead of getting mad, get even. Find a forum where your talent is appreciated. This could be at a club, neighbourhood association or charitable organisation. It will be such a relief to work with people who value your gift for research and fundraising. Pretty soon, you'll be offered a paid position that is significantly better than the one you currently hold. Keep your chin up.

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You simply aren't on the same page with everyone else. This will cause great tension in your professional life. You feel valuable resources are being wasted on pointless activities. Your colleagues think you are being high handed. This could lead to a parting of the ways. If you've ever wanted to start your own business, wait a little while longer. This isn't a favourable time to take risks. You're better off saving your money for a more opportune market. Until then, practice patience.

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A lack of spontaneity is causing problems in your personal life. Your family has come to expect the same behaviour from you in any given situation. This has dampened their spirits and made home life rather dreary. Make an effort to try something new on the domestic front each day. This can include anything from experimenting with new recipes to rearranging the furniture to handing the controls to another relative. Do whatever you can to mix things up. The whole group will benefit.

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Being honest can get you in a great deal of trouble. Some people simply aren't ready to hear the truth. Although you'd never flatter someone, it may be better to keep your thoughts to yourself. If you think a person needs to lose weight, work harder or quit a bad habit, remain silent. Only offer an opinion when you are asked for one. An angry tantrum will still erupt, but you can defend yourself. Keep personal information under lock and key.

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Normally, you're very easy going. That won't be the case when an irritating friend puts more demands on you. Although you enjoy helping others, there is a limit to your generosity. It's been ages since you've been able to concentrate on your own plans. To add insult to injury, the person who seeks your assistance never expresses their gratitude. Take this opportunity to set some healthy boundaries. Explain why you're turning them down and give examples of their problematic behaviour.

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