
If you're seeking employment, you will find a great job at a religious, cultural or educational organisation. Working with people who are eager to improve themselves will be gratifying. Students will respond well to your energy and enthusiasm, too. Although you won't be paid an impressive salary, you will thoroughly enjoy your duties. Not only that, you will work alongside some interesting people who become good friends. Being happy to go into work is worth its weight in gold.

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Taking responsibility for others makes you a valued member of the team. Your colleagues are relieved to know their resources are in your hands. When it comes to spending money, you make good decisions. You won't buy shoddy materials that will soon fall apart nor expensive merchandise that is more style than substance. As a result, everyone feels they are getting good value for their contributions. You are highly organised and keep meticulous records and this bolsters your reputation for making good financial decisions.

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You generally give your business or romantic partner the respect they deserve. As a result, you're able to work out problems amicably. Neither one of you will ever get everything you want, but arriving at good compromises is possible. Turn a deaf ear to a troublemaker who says you are giving too much power away. In truth, you've hit upon a good balance. Demanding a greater share of profits or influence will create resentment and distrust. Continue to leave your ego at the door.

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Specialised skills and knowledge makes you the most valuable player at work. People are continually coming to you for instruction. Although you enjoy showing others the ropes, you feel like you're not being properly compensated. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise. If there isn't enough money on the budget to increase your salary, it may be possible to work from home a few days a week. It will be a relief to escape a long commute and office politics.

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Caring for someone who is older or younger is stimulating. You enjoy comparing notes on everything from politics to art to money. Neither one of you is right or wrong; you simply have different perceptions. By showing respect for each other's opinions, you will become a more nuanced person. Instead of seeing things in terms of black and white, you'll see varying shades of grey. This makes you a compassionate individual who is capable of getting along with virtually anyone.

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Devotion to home and family causes you to make some important decisions. Instead of spending all your money on personal indulgences, you save as much as possible for your nearest and dearest. Being able to send children to good schools, taking holidays with your loved ones and having a secure home base are top priorities. Some friends who are leading more lavish lifestyles secretly envy your contentment. Instead of flashy clothes and expensive gadgets, you value less materialistic things.

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Acquiring marketable skills is your first priority. You're tired of having work outsourced. Learning how to operate a complicated software program or sophisticated technical equipment will put you in demand. Never rest on your laurels where training is concerned. By continuing to take the courses, you'll be able to stave off the competition. Not only that, you will win the admiration of executives who value ambitious employees. Learning is a form of investing in your future.

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Making a long range economic plan will help you become more prosperous. Instead of struggling from one payday to the next, put yourself on a strict schedule to repay your debts. It will take time to get your head above water, but it can be done. The secret to your success is setting deadlines. By vowing to pay off a big bill by a certain time, it will be easier to practice economic restraint. You won't be tempted to buy expensive luxuries when you have loftier goals.

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You're able to reach incredible heights due to hard work and discipline. Being the best in your field has become incredibly important. You're tired of less talented people surpassing you. By staying focused on your goals and working harder than anyone else, you will reach an exalted position. Instead of taking orders, you'll be issuing them. You'll also be able to get a dream project off the ground. There won't be much time for leisure, but you won't even notice.

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Working in seclusion will be productive. It will be a relief to escape the gimlet gaze of a micromanager. When left to your own devices, you're able to develop brilliant solutions to stubborn problems. Your methods are unconventional, which is why they are effective. If a stuffy, traditionalist knew how you were able to avoid certain pitfalls, they'd be shocked. Don't feel compelled to share your secrets. As long as they yield impressive results, you'll continue to thrive.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A strong, meaningful friendship will open new doors for you. Accept a loved one's suggestion to take a long trip together. You'll see some incredible things under their protection. It's difficult for an independent person like you to rely on somebody else. Instead of fighting the arrangement, try leaning into it. You'll come to enjoy following an authoritative person's lead. Not having to set schedules or make travel plans will leave you free to relax and have fun.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your career ambitions are stronger than ever. Landing a job with significant benefits will make you financially secure. Look for a company that offers a generous pension. If there is a profit sharing plan, make sure to contribute to it. Failing to take advantage of such a program is like throwing away free money. Your retirement program will grow faster than expected. Working for a prestigious company will also give you valuable training that can help you launch your own business.

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