
Spending time alone will be soothing. Although you enjoy rubbing elbows with a variety of people, this can drain your energy. Take a walk through the park, listen to music in a dark room, or soak in a scented bath. Do whatever evokes peace and quiet for you. If you need a nap, indulge. Nobody would dare call you lazy. Even a dynamo like you requires rest. When you emerge from your cocoon, you'll feel happy and refreshed.

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Getting involved with a group project is strongly advised. You need an outlet for your creativity. It doesn't matter if you're painting scenery for community theatre, making food for a coffee morning or collaborating on an advertising campaign. The important thing is to brainstorm with similarly imaginative people. Don't hesitate to take some helpful suggestions. This advice will allow you to turn a good idea into a great one. Be open to looking at your work through objective eyes.

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Finding a job that brings creative satisfaction is important. You're not the type who takes comfort in routines. If your current line of work doesn't offer much stimulation, seek a job in the entertainment field. Your vivid imagination will be considered an asset, not a liability. Alternatively, you might enjoy working for a non-profit organisation. Raising money for a good cause will motivate you to get out of bed and rush to the office. There should be more to work than earning your pay.

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Expanding your horizons will be rewarding. It's important for you to get lots of intellectual stimulation. When you're bored, you tend to brood. This wastes valuable time and energy. Taking a long distance trip will be a welcome distraction. You've always been drawn to ancient cities. Old material and evocative architecture make you feel tied to the past. If you're single, you could find love on this trip. Be sure to pack your most attractive clothes. Better yet, splash out on a new wardrobe.

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A passionate encounter will boost your confidence. It feels wonderful to be desired. Don't be afraid to give in to your sensual side. It can be a source of profound pleasure. If you were taught to suppress your physical desires as a child, it's time to overcome these taboos. Talk to a counsellor or health professional about this issue. The sooner you become comfortable with your body, the happier you will be. It is possible to adopt a moral code that embraces earthly delights.

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A romantic partnership will be your shelter from a storm. Don't be afraid to confess your deepest fears and strongest hopes to your amour. Having a confidante will help you cope with stress. It will also motivate you to reach new heights. Are you single? You could meet someone special at a house of worship, spiritual gathering or charitable organisation. A gentle humanitarian will make your pulse pound. You'll probably have to make the first move with this shy romantic interest.

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You take pride in your appearance. Projecting a cool, sophisticated image will attract admiring glances. It could also land you a job. If you want to make a good impression on a human resources official, dress for the job you want. Fortunately, you've been blessed with impeccable taste. Striding in to an interview wearing a well tailored business suit will result in an impressive job offer. Not only will the pay be terrific, but the work itself will be emotionally satisfying.

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Going after your heart's desire is strongly advised. You're tired of delaying gratification for the sake of propriety. When you see something you want, claim it. Ask for a date, apply for a job or enter a contest. Don't let self doubt keep you from taking a risk. If you fall short of your goal, you'll still be able to hold up your head with pride. Nobody could ever accuse you of being a coward. You'd rather experience fleeting pain than perpetual regret.

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Making a comfortable home for your family is an increasing priority. This doesn't mean spending a lot of money on expensive furniture and artwork. Instead, it requires spending quality time with your nearest and dearest. Arrange a special outing for your relatives. You'll have a wonderful time discussing old times and catching up with each other's lives. If you're far from kin, think about assembling a photo album that makes you feel closer to your family.

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Taking a course for pleasure will give you a tremendous lift. You're tired of being stuck in a rut. Studying a challenging subject will be a welcome change of pace. There's a good chance these courses will inspire you to take a trip. Visiting a museum, gallery or theatre could trigger your own creative instincts. Stop telling yourself you're not creative. You're much more imaginative than you realise. The key to finding your talent is making time for artistic pursuits.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Saving your money is strongly advised. Being able to pay cash for a luxury item will make your confidence soar. You're tired of lying awake at night, worrying about the bills. There's no reason you have to live beyond your means. You can have what you want without damaging your financial security. Are you looking for work? You could find a terrific job involving property, gourmet food or art. Emphasise your cutting edge sensibilities during a job interview.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your allure is at an all time high. This is a great time to attract romance, ask for favours and gain influence with VIPs. Don't hesitate to put your charm to work. In the past, you allowed less talented people to push their way to the head of the queue. Now it is your turn to shine. If you've been thinking about changing your look, go for it. You will be delighted with the results of a new hairstyle. Splashing out on clothes will be fun, too.

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