
You shouldn't have to put on an act to impress a romantic interest. If you want to pursue a relationship, be truthful about yourself. Don't exaggerate your education or job title. Be honest about your past. You deserve to be with someone who is willing to overlook your shortcomings and embrace the true you. Are you in a serious relationship? Come clean with your partner. Revealing a deception will be painful but therapeutic. It's time to start a new chapter together.

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After a period of stagnation at work, you're finally moving forward. Someone who recognises your talent will ask for your services. By doing a good job with this project, you'll get a promotion, raise or both. Are you unemployed? You will be offered a temporary position. Although you want a permanent spot, you should accept this offer. People will be so impressed by your abilities that they'll create a job just for you. This is your chance to earn money from your creative talent; don't spoil it.

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You're facing some stiff competition on the romantic front. Even if you're in a committed relationship, you can't risk neglecting your partner. Try to make your amour feel adored and appreciated. Give thanks for the small kindnesses they perform, but are rarely acknowledged. Praise their talent and encourage their dreams. Are you single? Several different people are pursuing the object of your affection. You have to make a compelling case to be the chosen one. Pour on the charm.

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It's time to take a well deserved rest. Clear your schedule and enjoy some quiet time. Sneak off to a private retreat where you won't be disturbed. Whether you commune with nature or get lost in a big metropolis is immaterial. The important thing is to get a change of scenery. Unfamiliar sights, sounds and scents will stimulate your imagination. You may be inspired to start an art project that gets lots of recognition. This is another reason you should enjoy some solitude.

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Wake up and smell the coffee. A situation that once seemed rife with promise has brought you to a dead end. You have to turn around and forge a new path. Taking a course will help you find work in a lucrative field. Do some research into rapidly growing industries. Having your choice of good jobs will be a relief. You're tired of going from company to company, seeking a secure spot in an increasingly shaky economy. Do yourself a favour and bolster your professional proficiency.

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Weigh your options carefully. If two suitors are trying to win your heart, choose the one who offers the most intellectual stimulation. You're incredibly smart and need a partner who will inspire and challenge you. Are you already in a relationship? Your partner will have several job options. Discuss the pros and cons of each offer. Moving to a place filled with cultural diversions will be good for both of you. You'll enjoy being able to frequent restaurants, stores and places of historical interest.

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You're easily distracted, which is undermining your progress. Take a few moments to clarify your intentions. If you want to get ahead, you'll have to put chores on the back burner. Pour all your energy on projecting a confident image. Practice your interviewing skills, assemble a smart outfit and collect references. Are you in the performing arts? Practice each day. Keeping your creative juices flowing is the secret of your success. You won't feel self conscious if you're always ready to perform.

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Your desire for justice makes you push past boring regulations. There's a chance you will get in trouble for breaking the rules, but you're willing to take the chance. If anyone tries to block your path, you'll play dumb. Then, when the authorities turn their backs, you'll spring back into action. It's a great time to adjust the balance of power or correct an injustice. You're tired of watching vulnerable individuals suffer while selfish people prosper. It's time to redress the balance.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You have powerful insights to what must be done. Pay no attention to conventional wisdom. When it comes to a relationship, you have to follow your own internal rhythm. It may be necessary to play the aggressor with a romantic interest. Although the object of your affection respects and admires you, they aren't sure whether they want a relationship. It's up to you to force the question. Don't be a bully; just make a compelling case. It's hard to resist your powers of persuasion.

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It's time to surrender to a difficult situation. The sooner you accept the unhappy truth of the situation, the faster you will move past it. If you've been denied a promotion, stay calm. A bigger and better opportunity will arrive when you least expect it. Don't resist the Universe's attempt to put you on another path. Transitioning into a different industry will be a welcome change for your leadership ability. You could get a chance to preside over a prestigious group or project.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Adopting a more positive outlook will help you sleep better. Whenever you find yourself worrying, silence your thoughts. Listen to upbeat music, watch a feel good movie or read an inspirational book. The things you fear are figments of your imagination. Even if you're dealing with practical problems, it will be easier to vanquish them when you radiate enthusiasm. When you generate positive energy, you'll attract love, luck, money and creative opportunities.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Stop entertaining pessimistic thoughts. They are keeping you from making necessary changes to your personal life. If you've had difficulty finding love, it's because you haven't opened your heart. Stop looking for some fairy tale ideal. Be open to dating those who are radically different from previous partners. Are you already in a relationship? Stop neglecting your sensual side. Be more affectionate. Ask for what you want and make suggestions when you're unhappy.

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