
It's easy to be mislead by friends and peers right now, so you must be clear about your feelings. People may accuse you of being overly concerned with pleasure. As far as you're concerned, they're telling you to become a martyr to responsibility. The truth lies somewhere in between. Assuming more chores doesn't mean you must turn your back on healthy pleasures. Draw a distinction between having fun and being reckless.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You're in danger of getting sucked into an obsessive relationship. If you feel that a partner is being too possessive, you need to put some distance between you. In the event you're the one who is being too demanding, it's time to relinquish control. Having unrealistic career expectations can also get you into trouble. You'll have to put in a lot of time and effort before you land a glamorous position. Develop your artistic talent.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're ready to forgive and forget, but a partner isn't so generous. The two of you have reached a serious impasse. Part of the problem is that this person doesn't trust you to keep to your word. Actions definitely speak louder than words. If you've had a history of going back on promises, you need to re-examine your motives for making peace. Are you just trying to temporarily appease your mate? Be honest.

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Leading a satisfying sex life requires tenderness, honesty, and tremendous effort. Double your efforts to please your partner with the activities and practices they adore. If you sense your mate isn't being entirely truthful with you, tune into their body language while you make love. This is the best indication whether or not they are having a good time. Getting in better shape will also magnify your desirability. Avoid the bakery and hit the gym!

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Self-deception in relationships is starting to catch up with you today. It's time to admit that you have been overly demanding with a business or romantic partner. Unless you start behaving with compassion and concern, your associate will head for greener pastures. Your money won't have much influence with this person. They'd rather be free than be held captive by your sudden whims. Stop worrying about abandonment and start meeting their emotional needs.

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Family members and household responsibilities are preventing you from realising your potential. Rather than letting your resentment build, fulfil your commitments and look for other opportunities. If you continue to dwell on what might have been, your health will begin to falter. At times like these, it's important to have a good sense of your spiritual self. Turn inward for the answers you seek; you'll be surprised what you discover.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Blurting out a secret could have serious consequences on a relationship. Issuing an immediate and sincere apology is the first step towards reconciliation, but there will be lots more work to do. Be persistent with your efforts at making amends and hope for the best. Be utterly truthful with a child who is full of questions about any changes that may be on the horizon. Otherwise, they'll be disillusioned when the truth comes out.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You can't buy friendship, so resist the urge to hand out expensive gifts. The longer you keep your wallet closed, the sooner you'll be able to separate your true pals from opportunists. It will be hard to exercise your authority with a loved one who keeps sending mixed signals. Stop worrying about hurting this person's feelings and issue a tough ultimatum. Otherwise, they'll continue to screw up and use you as their scapegoat.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Taking advantage of an authority figure's trust and generosity is a very bad idea. Any covert activities will be discovered, so take care to play by the rules. Otherwise, both your professional and personal reputation could be destroyed. A romantic interest could be leading you down the garden path. Don't take their words at face value. Instead, consider how their behaviour reflects their commitment to your relationship. Some painful truths will become evident today.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Being narrow-minded and fanatical will prevent you from spiritual growth. Rather than insisting that people do things your way, turn inward for strength. It's important to go over your finances with a fine-toothed comb. You may discover that you're not earning enough to afford certain luxuries. Luckily, you're more than capable of turning this situation around in your favour. You can create another source of income by opening your own business.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Escapist tendencies are making it impossible for you to be present for a partner. You need to dig in your heels and assume some responsibilities for a business associate or lover. In the event you're entirely on your own, it may be because you have fairy tale expectations of people. Stop putting loved ones up on pedestals and start asking yourself what is necessary to create stable relationships. Don't lend or borrow money today.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A business or romantic partner will try to pull rank on you, making you feel powerless and insignificant. It's time to stand up for yourself, even if it means putting your relationship at risk. Continuing to accept this behaviour is taking a serious toll on your spiritual and physical health. Being alone isn't the scariest thing; losing your self-respect is. Summon your strength and establish firm boundaries now, before things spiral out of control.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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