
You could easily discover hidden talents. When asked to perform a job you normally wouldn't do, accept. You'll be amazed how easily you master these complicated duties. You're a lot more imaginative than you realise. Beware of heaping someone with false praise. If someone thinks you actually approve of their shoddy performance, your reputation will suffer. Be as constructive as possible with criticism. Be aware that no matter how kind you are, your advice will sting someone's pride.

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Spending time with artistic types will fuel your creativity. It feels great to be able to brainstorm with people who enjoy pushing the boundaries of reality. Being with creative people will bolster your self esteem. You should be proud of your ability to create works of compelling beauty. Don't make the mistake of loaning money to, or borrowing from loved ones. Nothing ruins friendship faster than financial entanglements. If someone desperately needs money, treat it as a gift, not a loan.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A glamorous career opportunity is coming your way. Being able to make a living from doing something you love will be a source of tremendous joy. You will have to pay some dues in the initial stages. When your boss asks you to do tasks that seem beneath your skill set, smile and carry them out. Complaining will only reflect poorly on you. Make it your mission to establish yourself as a willing team player. This will pave the way for future promotions.

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Spiritual practices can be very comforting. When you think on a higher plane, you immediately become softer, kinder and gentler. Your relationships become a source of joy and it's easy to find the support you need. Some people make fun of your quest for enlightenment. Turn a deaf ear to their jokes. You know what works for you and that is all that matters. There's no need to discuss your beliefs with cynics and naysayers. Channel your energy into a more positive direction.

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Spending time on private pursuits can recharge your batteries. Spoil yourself with a long nap, scented bath or marathon reading session. Turn off your mobile and pull down the shades. Being able to satisfy your own needs will be liberating. Friends will try to tempt you out of hiding. Resist their efforts to lure you outside. You have plenty of party invitations. Constantly going from one gathering to another will cause burnout. Put yourself first for a change. All of your relationships will benefit.

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A close relationship gives you tremendous fulfilment. It's wonderful to be validated by such an accomplished person. The two of you have very different talents. You're logical, while your loved one is intuitive. Together, you are like fire and ice. You can be very competitive in public, trying to outperform each other at every turn. In truth, you have nothing but respect for one another. People would be astonished if they saw how tender and supportive you are to one another in private.

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Pleasures and pastimes connected with entertainment, music, photography or making a website are all potential packed. You've been blessed with tremendous creative talent. Put it to use. You yearn for advanced training, but it isn't possible. You can develop extraordinary techniques by just practicing a craft on your own. Later, there will be an opportunity to study with a respected master. At that point, you may decide you don't need any additional instruction.

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A love affair makes you feel like you're walking on air. Minor problems at work seem insignificant when you're with your amour. If you're offered a job, you may be tempted to turn it down. The thought of spending hours away from your partner is very upsetting. Before turning your back on financial security, think about how your relationship will be affected. It will be easier to make plans for the future together when there is a steady source of income.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Home is a place of spiritual seclusion for you. You enjoy mixing with all different types of people in your public life, but these social pursuits can be tiring. Being able to go to a quiet haven where you can recharge your batteries is critical to your health. A manipulative relative will try casting aspersions at your romantic life. Set some clear boundaries with this troublemaker. Nobody has the right to make your friends feel uncomfortable. Stand your ground.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An interest in mysticism or psychology may cause you to take an interesting adult education course. As a general rule, you enjoy keeping your feet planted firmly on the ground. Studying more esoteric subjects will be a welcome change of pace. The more well rounded you are, the easier it will be to attract love, luck and money. A colleague may ask for some honest criticism, but what they really want is unadulterated praise. Be ready for an unpleasant response to your feedback.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You will be offered a wonderful job. Keep salary negotiations a secret. If you play your cards right, you can get a higher salary than your peers. Of course, it will be wonderful to get the extra money, but you don't want to cause resentment within the ranks. Therefore, it will be wise to keep your pay scale a secret. Have you developed a crush on someone special? Resist the urge to buy the object of your affection an expensive gift. Keep things casual for now.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Creative inspiration abounds. This is a wonderful time to play in your favourite medium. If you've always wanted to try your hand at writing, painting or design, give yourself permission to do so. You'll be delighted by the results. Your family won't understand your need to spend so much time shut away from the rest of the world. They'll accuse you of being lazy and neglectful. You're actually taking some essential health measures. You can't be happy when you're totally immersed in reality.

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