
Expect the months ahead to bring some emotional challenges or the start of an amorous venture. Loved ones will be making a special effort to ensure joint interests go smoothly. It's going to be a pleasure spending time with your nearest and dearest and there is someone who is having a particularly important impact on your life now. You will soon meet with love if you are single or you might fall for your current lover all over again. Cupid is never very far away!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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It won't be long before you'll be putting plans for improving the comfort or security of your home environment into action. You're more able to forgive a loved one or housemate for a recent misdemeanour. It could even be you will see this was a mistake that had a lot to do with circumstances or mixed messages. If a person is truly repentant and their subsequent conduct has proven this, there's no harm in giving them another chance.

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It's easier now to put your feelings into words and you will be happiest when you're with like-minded friends. These people know you well, they understand your value system and know what you cherish or want the most. It's a good time to discuss what you want in life and which commitments are best ended. You will enjoy doing things on the spur of the moment and there will be ample opportunity over the months ahead for you to indulge your love of variety.

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If you've been struggling to make headway in money matters, these things are set to change from today. If your finances have been in a mess, this may have a lot to do with joint funds. Someone has been spending what was rightfully yours or joint expenses haven't been equally shared. You will achieve a lot by being more organised about money and more firm about your intentions. Life is looking pretty good, all because you feel more confident about what you're doing.

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Throw yourself into the new arrangements and goals you're starting on now; nothing else will do. It's easy to gain the support you need from those who matter; you exude confidence, good humour and charisma. It's a wonderful time for all loving relationships and friends will mean a lot to you. Even so, it's worth thinking about your long term goals. You could feel the need to make some dramatic changes and you might be surprised at who encourages you the most to get on with these.

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Step back, give yourself a chance to recharge your batteries and let other people do all the running around for a change. You're starting to trust certain friends, knowing you can say anything without them broadcasting your secrets. There will be times, these next few months, when you will really value having some privacy. You're more likely to spend time with a select bunch of people in quiet places and you avoid anywhere crowded or congested.

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Your social life really takes off now; expect to enjoy a lot of love, happiness and laughter. These next few months, try to keep your hopes realistic. Dreams will always help to keep you afloat but you must also know the difference between pie in the sky dreams and achievable goals. It's a good time too, to work on getting on the right side of a boss or authority figure. You never know when you're going to need their support.

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Take the chance to review personal and professional skills; is there a way to make them more proficient? These next few months will offer a perfect chance for you to bring methods, systems and procedures up to date. There is no need to feel nervous if you're starting a new job and all eyes are focused on you. You're in a business like mood and others respect your professionalism. Even if your methods conflict with someone else's, there is room for you both to make minor adjustments.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You will function best over the months ahead, when you have lots of freedom. This is a transitional time for you in that you're about to step onto paths which will take you to a new future. A holiday could change your life forever, introducing you to new people and new future possibilities. Be adventurous: try out new locations and destinations. Not everyone will understand your decisions but if you remain objective, you will make the right choices.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You might soon get the chance to make some extra money; good timing is essential. Keep your eyes peeled for a good opportunity coming your way. You might sense tension between friends when perhaps someone has bought a gift or cooked a meal that conflicts with an associate's religious values. This will have been a genuine mistake and you will swiftly point this out. Rather than trying to avoid an inevitable row you will confront the issue and clear the air.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Partnerships really thrive between now and the end of the year; in romance, everything is coming up roses. You're more honest about your feelings and more in tune with what you want out of the months ahead. This helps you recognise where to focus your energies to get the best results. Emotional relationships will bring a bonus of extra happiness. A cosmopolitan contact will be sharing some good news with you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Life's going to keep you pretty busy these next few months and you're more than ready for this. You're starting to recognise you've fallen into a rut when it comes to your job and your usual routines and you've been making decisions out of habit rather than concern for your future. Take no notice if others raise their eyebrows at the more daring decisions you are now making. Your life could probably benefit from a bit of a shake up.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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