
Resist the temptation to rescue loved ones from trouble. It's important to show faith in their judgment and let them work out problems for themselves. When you encourage them to be self-reliant, they'll rise to the task. There will be times when your nearest and dearest experience trouble. Offering a sympathetic ear is the best thing you can do during these moments. In the end, your relationships will improve, being strengthened by mutual respect. You'll feel more like equals.

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You're highly emotional, making it difficult to think clearly. Take a few deep breaths to clear your head. The prospect of branching out is scary, but you must push past these fears. You'll never realise your potential if you cling to the status quo. Going to university, travelling abroad or taking a broadcasting job are among the possibilities. At first, you'll feel like a duck out of water. That's all right. Being an outsider builds character. It also makes you more compassionate.

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Clinging too tightly to creature comforts will dull your creative edge. When you feel lonely or bored, turn your attention to an art project. Writing, painting or playing music will be much more rewarding than a shopping trip. If you have trouble getting started, pick up a colouring book. Shading the pages is a good way to occupy your front brain, allowing your imagination to run wild. When you've finished, you'll feel like you've just awoken from a refreshing nap. At that point, the ideas will flow freely.

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Don't take rejection personally. You've been blessed with marvellous gifts. Not everyone appreciates them. That's fine; some people will. It's simply a matter of holding your head high and looking for the next opportunity. Working for a religious, cultural or artistic institution will be rewarding. The pay won't be phenomenal, but the duties will bring out the best in you. Using your creativity to connect with people in a meaningful way will cause your self-esteem to come roaring back.

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Embarrassment has caused you to adopt a low profile. The last thing you want is to confront the public. Stop beating yourself up for making mistakes. You're only human. The true test of a person's character is not their success rate; it's how they cope with adversity. When everyone sees that you've returned to work, their respect for you will soar. Do you have to make amends to people you've hurt? Offer them sincere apologies. It will take time to earn their forgiveness. Be patient.

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Stop pushing away offers of help. While it's admirable you want to be independent, it's not practical. Even the most accomplished people have assistants. Don't buy into the myth of the self-made success story. Whether your romantic partner offers to go supermarket shopping or a youngster wants to set the table, let them. Be gracious about accepting their generosity. As soon as you put your pride aside, your relationships will flourish. Everyone will start operating like a team instead of doing their own thing.

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You're climbing the ladder of success at lightning speed. The higher you go, the harder it will be to stay in touch with your emotions. Beware of trusting your head over your heart. Going after a high-profile position may seem like the most logical move, but it might not bring much happiness. Make more time for the domestic pursuits you love. Pottering around the kitchen is a lot more rewarding than attending endless business meetings. Start downsizing your professional life for the sake of your personal one.

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Adopting a superior attitude will alienate you from people you should befriend. Instead of judging others on their political, cultural or religious beliefs, keep an open mind. Instead of dominating the conversation, listen more than you speak. People you were quick to write off will surprise you with their nuanced thinking and sophisticated insights. It just goes to show you can't judge a book by its cover. Remember this experience the next time you catch yourself jumping to conclusions.

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Plotting revenge is the wrong way to go. Just because someone betrayed you does not give you license to behave in an equally corrupt manner. Release your anger through a series of brisk workouts. Once the tension has been released, you'll think more clearly. It will be easier to process what's happened and let it go. The sooner you release your resentment, the faster you can lead the happy, healthy life you deserve. You might even be ready to fall in love again.

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Stop looking to your best friend or romantic partner to meet your needs. If you're bored and lonely, do something about it. Plan a trip, visit a museum or go for a bike ride. Adopt a pet from your local animal shelter. By taking control of your destiny, you'll feel empowered. Instead of blaming others for your problems, you'll develop creative solutions to them. Best of all, you'll stop settling for second best and start moving towards the top of the mountain, where you belong.

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Getting preoccupied with petty details is a waste of valuable time. You must keep the big picture in mind at all costs. A deadline is looming and if you don't deliver work when it was promised, your reputation will suffer. Be willing to let go of the small stuff. You can always correct small errors later, when people have a chance to see what you've done. In the future, you should build a few extra days into estimates of when jobs can be completed.

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Don't make a mountain out of a molehill. If you're feeling slightly unwell, resist the temptation to complain. Focus on being good company instead. You can always cut your visit short if your symptoms grow worse. Chances are your symptoms will disappear when you participate in the festivities. One of the best ways to fight off illness is to raise your energetic vibration. Nothing inhibits illness like the power of positive thinking. That's why it helps to watch funny movies when you're feeling under the weather.

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