
Your unique personality draws lots of amorous attention. People admire your ability to march to the beat of your own drum, even when you're being pressured to conform. If you're looking for love, you'll find it with someone who adores your rebellious streak. Are you already in a relationship? Let your partner lavish you with love. A beautiful token of their esteem will be presented to you. Make sure to show your appreciation with lots of physical affection. There is passion in the air.

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Working in solitude builds your confidence. It feels great to listen to your intuition without interference. This is a wonderful time to focus on domestic pursuits. Whether you're perfecting a recipe, redecorating a room or planning a garden is immaterial. The important thing is to fully focus on your project. Add whimsical touches and don't worry about the outcome. Deviating from conventional wisdom works in your favour. Lots of people will compliment your work and ask for your advice.

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Getting involved with a humanitarian cause will give you a new lease on life. By donating your time, money and energy to a good cause, you'll feel like you're making a positive difference. Best of all, you'll meet others who share your desire to correct injustices and help vulnerable members of society. Don't be surprised if you're asked to be the spokesperson for the group. The team has confidence you will communicate their message in an upbeat, compelling way.

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You'll find career success in an unusual field. Joining an entrepreneurial venture will be successful. While others would be afraid to venture into unfamiliar territory, you enjoy the prospect. It is especially fun to make up the rules as you go along. If you're given a choice between earning a commission and taking a flat salary, take the latter. Although big profits will be eventually generated, it will take time before the money comes rolling in. It's better to opt for guaranteed pay at this juncture.

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You will go on a trip at the drop of a hat. Although you don't like breaking away from a comfortable routine, you will have fun on this trip. Let a trusted friend take care of your children, pets and plants while you abandon yourself to pleasure. You'll have some unusual experiences on this journey. Welcome the opportunity to try different kinds of food, hear strange music and participate in local customs. If you want to cling to the familiar, you might as well stay home.

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A sudden financial gain will come from an unexpected source. Take this opportunity to go on a solitary holiday. Recently, you've been pouring all your energy into helping others. Now it's time to attend your own needs. Being alone will inspire you to develop a creative project you let fall by the wayside. Thinking about a past love will help you finish this work of art. Sentiment is a powerful motivator. Stop pretending you are unaffected by a nagging nostalgia for the past.

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You've always been drawn to unusual people. Teaming up with someone who has unconventional habits will be liberating. Instead of worrying what others will think about your work, you'll learn to satisfy yourself. Resist the temptation to rein them in when you think they're being impractical. If you show respect for their methods, they'll be similarly courteous. Together, you will break new ground. It's as if you're the missing pieces to each other's puzzle. Prepare for fame, acclaim and lots of money.

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An unusual health therapy will bring relief from a nagging ache or pain. Ask friends for recommendations on healing professionals who specialise in treating your particular problem. The results will be instantaneous. Once you're released from this problem, your productivity will soar. Don't be surprised when you accomplish more in a day than you have in weeks. Stuffy traditionalists will scoff at your decision to take an unconventional path to wellness, but the proof is in the pudding.

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Your imagination will take some wild twists and turns. Follow its lead. If you're inspired to explore an unfamiliar medium, pick up some supplies. Playing around with paint, fabric and beads can result in an impressive piece of work. Don't be intimidated by seasoned artists who use time honoured methods. You will fare better by operating on instinct. While you're exercising your creativity, you will attract admirers like a flower draws bees. What begins as a playful romance could end as a lifelong love affair.

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Being able to move to a more spacious residence will fill you with happiness. You're tired of having to cope with outmoded appliances and faulty plumbing. Are you happy where you live? Take this opportunity to make improvements to the kitchen and bathroom. Historic charm is lovely, but it's much more enjoyable when combined with modern conveniences. Ask friends for recommendations on plumbers, electricians and contractors. It's important to hire reliable professionals for such work.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Get ready for your close up; you're about to get some surprising publicity. What is being said about you is all good. People appreciate your ability to be objective and practical in emotionally fraught situations. That's why you specialise in emergency work. Even the most anxious individuals feel at ease when they're in your hands. There's a chance you will be asked to give a talk at a prestigious overseas conference. You'll enjoy sharing your wisdom in elegant surroundings.

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Just when you need it most, a financial opportunity will land in your lap. You'll be working with creative, dependable people who bring out the best in you. Resist the temptation to offer guidance to your colleagues. Everyone can be trusted to pull their weight independently. Your spirit of cooperation will be greatly appreciated. By acting as an enthusiastic member of the team, you'll be asked back to perform other assignments. Think of this arrangement as the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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