
You're not ready to let down your guard with a romantic interest. Although you have lots of fun with the object of your affection, it's difficult to form a strong emotional bond. Part of the problem is you are too rebellious. Entering into a serious relationship compromises your freedom. Soon you will have to decide what is more important: Your amour or your independence. The choice will be more difficult than you think.

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Giving unconditional support to a misguided romantic or business partner is no longer an option. You're too realistic to encourage your friend's delusions. Be honest about their prospects. This could cause a big argument, but it's best to express your opposition. It's possible that you will undergo a temporary separation. You can't postpone your own plans while your friend is off chasing rainbows. This relationship may not allow you to establish roots or buy a home.

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Finding steady work won't be easy. It may be necessary to accept a series of temporary jobs as a means to maintain cash flow. Part of the problem is you lack cutting edge skills. Taking a computer or accounting course will greatly improve your professional prospects. It will take time to get an official license or certificate, so be patient. Study hard and give yourself plenty of time for homework. If that means curtailing your social life, so be it.

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Money is tight, which makes it difficult to finance a creative project. If you can't purchase materials, be resourceful. You might be able to recycle materials. This will give your work an interesting edge that is very desirable. Don't be surprised if you attract fame and acclaim for your distinctive efforts. If you're struggling with a block, turn your attention to mundane chores. Keeping your conscious mind busy will allow your imagination to run wild.

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It won't be possible to express your true feelings. This makes you irritable, but it can't be helped. A relative isn't ready to hear the truth. Carrying out a deception is the only way to maintain the status quo. When the time comes to vent your frustrations, a break may occur. Right now, you have to protect the interests of vulnerable people who can't handle a big disruption. Keep the big picture in mind at all costs. Others are counting on you.

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Resist the urge to blurt out a secret. It's important to keep your personal and professional lives separate. If a hidden enemy discovers you are looking for a new job, you could be demoted or fired. You may not realise it, but many people are jealous of you. You're a lot more capable than most of your colleagues. That's why your prospects for moving ahead are stronger than those with more experience. Quietly apply for a better position.

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A source of income will suddenly dry up. Don't rely on friends to find you a new job. They may not have as much clout as they pretend. You're better off depending on your own abilities to find employment. Working for a bank, estate agency or financial institution could have lots of growth potential. You're tired of being a victim of downsizing. Find an employer that has withstood a lot of economic reversals. You can steadily move up the ladder to success.

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You're extremely ambitious. Beware of biting off more than you can chew. It may be more difficult to land a new job than you think. You lack the experience and personality to deal with the public. Look for other opportunities to get ahead. You don't like having your every move scrutinised. Besides, you fare much better when left to your own devices. This kind of independence won't be possible if you're waiting on customers and clients in a public setting.

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Try not to fall under the spell of a bad habit. You've always prized your freedom. You won't be able to do what you want if you become overly reliant on a substance or activity. There's the added problem of failing to live up to your potential. You have the ability to reach incredible heights. This can only happen if you keep a clear head. Continue to focus on a cherished dream. Allow yourself to take occasional breaks.

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If you owe somebody money, be sure to repay it. You might have to put yourself on a strict budget while you fulfil this obligation. You shouldn't mind making sacrifices for the sake of something important. Going without little luxuries will be difficult. When you become anxious, enjoy inexpensive diversions. Afternoon naps, long baths and nature walks don't cost anything, but they are therapeutic. You can splash out on luxuries when you're back in the black.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Having a leadership position isn't always fun. You will have to make some painful decisions due to a financial shortage. Whether this means dismissing someone from the company or enforcing strict rules is immaterial. The result will make you quite unpopular. This is why people always say it's lonely at the top. When the pressure becomes unendurable, turn to your best friend or romantic partner for support. Usually, you're such a free spirit that you're hard to pamper.

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It will be hard to get the necessary training to move ahead. If you need a grant, loan or scholarship, it will take several attempts to realise your goal. Be patient. In the meantime, focus on getting as much experience as you can in your desired field. If this means taking a low level position at an important company, so be it. The pay won't be terrific, but you'll be paving the way for professional success. Keep the long term future in mind at all times.

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