
Daydreaming will stop you from making the most of a golden opportunity. Instead of imagining your ideal life, take steps to turn the dream into reality. Learning a new skill, travelling overseas or taking an evening class are all worthwhile goals. You want to lead an extraordinary life. The best way to make this happen is to be armed with job skills that can be used virtually anywhere. Do some research into the subject, set a goal and then move towards your target.

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Don't follow a big organisation's lead. You should obey your conscience about a financial matter. If you don't like where a bank invests its money, take your account to a more socially responsible institution. Similarly, if your family espouses religious values that seem narrow minded, be willing to adopt another belief system. At this stage, you should be willing to stand alone, even if it means being mocked. People who have been marginalised will come forward and offer their support.

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Be realistic about your professional responsibilities. It won't be possible to get time off during the busy season. If you're dealing with a special circumstance, you must tell your employer at the earliest opportunity. Be prepared to bring proof of your claims. Remember that your boss has to be accountable for their decisions. If your colleagues think you're getting preferential treatment, your boss should be able to defend the decision to give you time off.

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A friend who is involved in a shady organisation will invite you to a meeting. Be ready to refuse. You don't need to defend your decision. If you are accused of being narrow minded, so be it. That's better than wasting your time with a bunch of charlatans. Manipulators often get their victims to pressure loved ones into joining their cause. This not only increases their ranks, but it also enhances their coffers. Your friend may be too naive to understand the practice, but you do.

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Be honest about a troubled relationship. If you suspect your amour is no longer interested, ask them point blank. It's better to know what is really happening than remain in denial. If you're single you may be harbouring unrealistic expectations of your future partner. Stop looking for some fairy tale ideal. Start assessing romantic candidates in terms of their human qualities. Who is kind, who is consistent, who is compassionate? These are the real qualities that matter. Beauty is only skin deep.

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Resist the temptation to withdraw from your nearest and dearest. You're not in the mood to discuss your problems. Unfortunately, your refusal to open up will be hurtful. Nobody will be able to understand why you're being cold and aloof. Take a few moments to explain you want some peace and quiet. Make it clear you don't mean to punish people with the silent treatment. When you make your intentions clear, you will be less likely to give offence.

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Indulging in vices will take a toll on your health. Go easy on the sugar, fat and alcohol. These things cloud your head and deplete your energy. You must be in top form to handle work responsibilities. The weekend poses a perfect opportunity to recharge your batteries. Pushing your body to the limit of endurance will create a domino effect. Use your time off to catch up on rest and gather your strength. Spend time with enthusiastic friends who lift your spirits.

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You are feeling lonely but aren't sure if a romantic relationship is worth the trouble. Joining a club, debating society or professional organisation can provide you with the friendship and companionship you seek. Or you could get a pet. If you already have a lover, you'll have to spend more quality time together. You can't expect to feel magic after neglecting one another. Arrange a candlelit dinner for two or a relaxing holiday. Be mindful of your partner's feelings when making plans.

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A household emergency needs immediate attention. Get a leak or breakage fixed as soon as possible. You don't want a minor issue to escalate into an expensive disaster. If you don't own your abode, think about moving to a place that isn't riddled with structural problems. You can find a charming place that isn't about to fall down. It will just take patience and perseverance. A passive-aggressive relative will try to lay a guilt trip on you. Don't come to their rescue. You have better things to do.

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Be clear as possible when issuing a set of instructions. Let an objective colleague review the document before releasing it to the public. They'll have some pertinent questions about what you mean. Work with them until you hit upon the best description possible. Think about a time when you were trying to follow confusing directives. Do your best to save others this same kind of frustration. A sensitive person will ask for your honest opinion. Actually, they just want a compliment.

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Impractical use of finances will get you in trouble. You have to keep as much money in savings as possible. If you continue to spend everything as soon as it comes in, you'll put yourself in a dangerous situation. A nest egg is your best defence against a debilitating emergency. You also might want to take out an insurance policy to protect your investments. It may not seem like you have a lot, but you'll think differently when disaster strikes.

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Try not to be too hard on yourself. When you experience disappointment, get up and dust yourself off. Look for a new challenge. Staying in bed with the blankets pulled over your head won't solve anything. This kind of avoidance can actually compound a serious problem. The longer you withdraw from the world, the harder it will be to get back to business. When your courage starts to falter, think of a strong person who has persevered through an incredibly difficult situation.

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