
If you feel like you've been maintaining a beautiful facade, it may be time to get real. Admitting the way you truly feel can be a scary prospect. Enlisting the aid of a counsellor or therapist is strongly advised. You'll be amazed at how liberated you feel once you come clean. Of course, some friends and associates will break away from you, resenting the deception you created. You can't really blame these people. Offer a sincere apology and then work to do better.

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Going along with the crowd could backfire so turn a deaf ear to people who say you should abandon a lover, child, or creative pursuit for the sake of social approval. You've always been a loyal person, and you shouldn't change now. Yes, it's uncomfortable to defy public opinion, but that's part of being a responsible adult. Mob mentality has led to some terrible tragedies. By refusing to fall victim to it, you'll preserve your dignity and self respect.

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You're tired of subjecting yourself to a dysfunctional work environment. Now is the time to head for greener pastures. Happily, friends and family will support this move. Outsiders may say you've taken leave of your senses, since your job had an element of glamour or prestige that was enviable, although, no situation is worth the kind of hassles you've endured. Consider starting your own business. You're certainly bright enough.

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Raging against the machine feels terrific, but it could also land you in hot water. Your views may not sit well with your relatives or neighbours. Don't be surprised if what once felt like a relaxing environment now seems as uncomfortable as an itchy sweater. If you're going to continue to be so outspoken, you may want to move to a place more in keeping with your beliefs. If you do decide to stay, adopt a more respectful tone with your detractors.

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An intense experience could prompt you to question everything you hold dear. All of a sudden, opulent luxury seems less important than freedom. If you've ever wanted to travel the world, this would be a good time to do it, but table any decisions until next week. That way, you can formulate a plan geared more towards your happiness, instead of founded on anger. It's devastating to feel the ground move beneath your feet, but this change will prove healing.

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A romantic infatuation could prompt you to do something embarrassing. Make it your mission to maintain a dignified front, regardless of what news develops. If you discover your love interest is involved with somebody else, offer cool congratulations. A sympathetic onlooker may develop a crush on you, based on your grace under fire. If you do happen to make a blunder, make a sincere apology and then work to get your emotions under control.

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A crash diet or extreme exercise regime could put you in jeopardy. What you really need to feel better is some quiet time. Reflect on what makes life truly meaningful, and then try to fill your days with more of those things. Striving to get a rock hard body is admirable in the abstract. When you look back at your life, though, you'll have probably wished you used those hours you spent on the treadmill doing something more enjoyable.

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Beware of getting involved with dangerous activities as a way of impressing others. Yes, your courage is admirable, but you don't need to resort to stunts in order to prove it. A lover who is passionately interested in an activity may try to get you to take it up. Go ahead and give it a shot, but be honest if this hobby doesn't hold any charm for you or you'll start to resent your amour for having to assume this fake persona.

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Obey an impulse to break free of an oppressive label imposed on you during childhood. Now you're an adult, you can be anything you want to be. If someone's cruel joke has been hounding you for years, you can put an end to it. Don't associate with people who insist on calling you an insulting name or dragging up embarrassing memories. These breaks could be painful at first, but they'll be ultimately liberating.

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Your mode of transportation could fall through, preventing you from enjoying a fun outing. This is really frustrating, but shouldn't have the power to ruin your day. Having an alternate plan ready will prevent you from dwelling on your disappointment. Head for a local watering hole or ask a nearby friend to come and visit. This would also be a good opportunity to catch up your reading or write a few letters. At least one friend has been dying to hear from you!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A source of income could suddenly dry up undermining your love life. If you're the chief breadwinner in the relationship, you need to notify your partner of this upset. Together, you can work around the shortages you'll inevitably experience. If you are earning a supplementary income for the household, have a talk about potential jobs. Don't be pressured into taking a position you hate, or it will lead to a breakdown in your relationship.

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A display of anger has been a long time in coming; you're tired of a loved one steamrolling over your needs. The only way to get your frustration across may be a good, old-fashioned rant and rave. Alternatively, you may decide to remove yourself from the premises altogether. If you do decide to head off on your own, try to calm down before getting into a car. Road rage could impair your judgment and lead to an accident.

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