
This isn't a good time to go on a shopping spree. While you may have a little extra cash in reserve, you will need it for an emergency expense. Besides, it won't be possible to fill an emotional void with material goods. Spending time with friends will keep that ache at bay. Be willing to accept some constructive criticism. There's room for improvement in every area of life. By working to correct some mistakes, people will become more receptive to your work.

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You have less energy than usual, thanks to a draining work assignment. Don't pack your schedule to the brim. You're better off leaving plenty of free time at the end of the day, when you'll want to relax. If you have a previous commitment, see if a relative can take your place. Sometimes it doesn't pay to push yourself. A demanding authority figure needs to be put in their place. You're willing to work hard, but not at the expense of your health.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Someone could tell you a convincing sob story. Don't believe it until you have had a chance to check the facts. You work too hard to give your money to a charlatan. Friends and family may see your refusal to help as callous. Once they know the truth, they will wish they had been as cautious as you. Make copies of any paperwork submitted to a hospital, insurance agency, or university. If you have to send it by post, do it in a way these forms can be tracked.

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An argument among friends makes you really upset. Resist the urge to try to resolve it by playing peacemaker. The only way these two will work out their problems is to be brutally honest with one another. There is a chance these two will never make up. If that happens, so be it. Do not interfere. Some people are too fundamentally different to get along. That doesn't mean you have to take sides. It does mean you should stay out of this argument, because it doesn't involve you.

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If there's anything you cannot stand, it's being micromanaged. Unfortunately, you are working with somebody who feels compelled to monitor your every move. This isn't the best time to leave your job. Steel yourself to withstand petty criticisms and nagging questions. Fortunately, friends will be eager to join you after work. Blowing off steam with your nearest and dearest will put this situation in its proper perspective. In time, you will be able to escape this annoying pest. It's just a matter of being patient.

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Feelings of restlessness can no longer be ignored. Over recent weeks it feels as if you've become part of the furniture. You want to distinguish yourself in some way. Publishing a piece of written work is a good way to do this. You have natural writing ability. Think about submitting an article to your favourite website or magazine. It may take a few tries to get accepted, but practice makes perfect. Beware of making travel reservations now, as they will later have to be cancelled.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Placing too much emphasis on the physical aspect of a romance is creating trouble. Lovemaking is important, but it isn't the most important factor in your relationship. Learning to communicate in an open, meaningful way should be your first priority. Once you're able to express what is in your heart, you'll pave the way for a more satisfying sexual union. Resist the urge to tell your partner what they want to hear and be honest instead. If anyone can do this with tact and diplomacy, it's you.

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You and your best friend are not communicating well. No matter how many times you tell them to do something a certain way, they fail to follow orders. Maybe it is because you are being too dogmatic. By showing faith in their abilities, you will see some progress. Of course, it is possible you are making unrealistic demands. If that is the case, then you should just do a particular job yourself. That way, you won't be setting up your loved one for failure.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You may be suffering from a skin complaint. This could be symbolic of a deeper issue. Lately, you've felt dissatisfied with your role. It feels like you are a square peg being jammed into a round hole. Learning to assert your needs will cause this problem to go away. The powers that be don't understand that you're motivated by praise and positive reinforcement. They seem to think you will get better by a constant barrage of criticism. Make it clear this feedback does not work for you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're having a wonderful time, but don't forget about work. People are relying on you for some facts and figures. If you don't have them at your fingertips their jobs will suffer. Tearing yourself away from an attentive lover will be difficult, but at least this will pave the way for a passionate reunion. Are you single? You might be trying too hard to find a partner. Revel in simple pleasures like setting the thermostat to your desired temperature and cooking whatever meals you like.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Try not to give too much emotional energy to a family drama. An obnoxious relative is pushing your buttons. By refusing to respond to their provocative remarks, they'll get bored and look for another target. In the meantime, you have a wonderful opportunity to read, write, or conduct research. Don't be surprised if your efforts garner favourable publicity. You have a knack for finding fascinating information that piques public curiosity. If you have questions ask an expert for advice.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Take care not to poke your nose in someone else's business. By showing respect for other people's boundaries, you will pave the way for more productive relationships. You may hear a nasty rumour about a relative, friend or neighbour. Take this story with a pinch of salt. It's probably the work of a jealous rival who wants to start trouble. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt will cause others to admire and trust you. It takes character to defend an innocent victim.

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