
You're extremely aggressive where career matters are concerned, so much so that you could make enemies. Beware of stepping on an authority figure's toes. Just because you've got your eye on their position doesn't mean you have to be obvious about it. Sooner or later, your talent will take you to the top. If there aren't any opportunities in your present situation, look for a job elsewhere. Expend your energy in a positive way.

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You won't be able to come and go as you please until you get more experience. Right now, it may seem like you've been issued a prison sentence. The sooner you come to terms with your situation, the easier it will be. Stop thinking about the long-term future and concentrate on the present instead. As soon as you change your attitude, you'll start to enjoy yourself again. This may seem impossible now, but try anyway.

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Inconsiderate behaviour could put a rift between you and a loved one today. You may be too preoccupied with friends to notice what is going on with your partner. Resist the urge to go off with your buddies if things are tense at home. If you're not in a relationship, it may be because you're too wedded to your gang. Take some time away to explore your own wants and needs. Let love find you.

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You want to have total control over a partner, but that simply isn't possible. There are some very real differences between you, but that doesn't mean your relationship is doomed. The only way problems will occur is if you try to convert this person to your point of view. By agreeing to disagree, you can move on to more important issues. Stop acting like competitors and start behaving like team members.

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Although you probably possess more knowledge and experience than your colleagues, don't act superior. Otherwise, you will lack the support you need at a critical juncture. By using your expertise to benefit the people around you, you'll create a harmonious atmosphere that brings out the best in everybody. Some folks are too insecure to take such a generous approach. Fortunately, you're not one of them.

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Exploiting your creative talents may not be financially possible right now, which really angers you. It feels as though you've been paying your dues, while less worthy people are sailing ahead. Part of the problem may be that you are too focused on the competition. By concentrating on developing your own talent, you won't fall behind. The sooner you let go of your resentment, the more effortless your success will seem.

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You may have to separate yourself from your family if you're going to have a happy relationship. There comes a time in every union where you have to stand up for your partner. This may be one of those moments. Distancing yourself from arguments is only compounding the problem. Your relatives have to realise who comes first in your life. If it's not your mate, you need to reconsider your union.

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It may be difficult to think independently of your colleagues, but try anyway. Although you hate to side with your superiors, there is something lacking in your peers' attitude. By injecting a degree of rationality into the proceedings, you'll be better able to enact a compromise. Gang mentalities often lead to destruction. Don't sacrifice your own wellbeing for the sake of going along with the crowd. It's not worth the price you'll have to pay.

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You may be angry that you don't have enough money to pursue your favourite activities. At times, it seems like you'll never get out of the rat race. Part of the problem is your own attitude toward money. By keeping track of your spending, you'll see where you've been overly extravagant. Think how much work goes into buying everything you purchase. This will make you less cavalier about squandering your income on junk.

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It seems so unfair that you've been given the bulk of responsibility while others have little to do. What you don't realise is that you're being given a character test. By performing your duties capably and quietly, you may be given a greater reward. If, on the other hand, you're in the midst of a vicious cycle, you have to take the initiative and break it. Have faith that better opportunities will soon arrive.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Guarding against careless remarks is essential if you want to avoid trouble. People are extremely sensitive today, and may take offence at even the mildest jokes. The best strategy may be to listen more than you talk. Adopting a compassionate stance will encourage others to let down their guard. It may feel as though you're walking on eggshells at times. Fortunately, you've got a light tread.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Friends may not be in the position to help you financially, which angers you. You've always been there for pals in the past, and it hurts when they refuse to return the favour. Instead of concentrating on these slights, think of ways to improve your situation. Then, when you've got yourself past the danger point, you may want to rethink some of your relationships. You deserve pals who are willing to reciprocate your love and generosity.

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