
You won't be able to do what you want, due to an oppressive official or bureaucrat. If you don't play by the rules, you'll run the risk of dismissal. This could be a blessing in disguise, but only if you're in a position to operate independently for the foreseeable future. Do you need the support or protection of a big institution? Then you should make every effort to follow orders, even if they are silly and create waste. You will be vindicated sooner than you think.

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A negative outlook is driving opportunity from your door. If you find yourself fretting over a lack of opportunity, change your focus. Give thanks for the blessings you enjoy on a daily basis. The more you concentrate on the things that are going right, the easier it will be to attract growth opportunities. Being unable to move forward could mean you still have lessons to learn. Work to overcome weaknesses. Your efforts to improve will pay off in the form of a romantic relationship or job offer.

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A friend who is always taking and never giving has to be phased out of your life. You've always been generous with your resources. Whether you're demonstrating computer skills or offering career advice or lending a sympathetic ear, it makes you happy to help your nearest and dearest. You only become resentful when you are denied the help and comfort you deserve. If an emotional vampire asks why you stop answering their calls, be honest. Explain you are busy and must focus on your own needs.

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It's important to take a realistic view of your career prospects. If there are few jobs available in your desired field, explore different industries for job opportunities. With a few adjustments, you can land a position with a respectable company that has been around for years. Were you expecting to be offered a leadership position but didn't get asked? Don't take it personally. You don't have the experience the search team wants. You'll have better luck next time, when you will have more knowledge under your belt.

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There aren't enough funds to pursue a goal. You'll have to postpone this dream. Turn your attention to creating a more stable financial foundation. This could mean anything from finding a more lucrative job to putting a set percentage of your income into savings each pay period. Cutting out discount coupons, cashing in rebates and comparison shopping will make your resources stretch further. It's time to cultivate a nest egg instead of spending every penny as soon as it arrives. Be frugal.

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You're having difficulty enjoying the fruits of your labour. Stop worrying about the future and bring your focus to the present moment. Pause to spend some quality time with your pets. Arrange to have lunch with a friend. Read a book for pleasure. A nice diversion will make you realise how much progress you have made. Instead of pushing yourself to do even more, enjoy this interlude to the fullest. This will cause your accomplishments to expand and grow. Success breeds success.

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Don't blame your partner for not failing to reach your goals. If you're with someone who puts you down and undermines your success, it's up to you to break things off. Does your amour's success make you jealous? Stop telling yourself you can't do well because they are thriving. Instead, double your efforts to realise your dreams. Whether you should show your creative work to an agent, apply for work or undergo a fitness regime is irrelevant. Take responsibility for your own happiness.

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Work has become incredibly boring. Instead of leaving a secure position for the great unknown, stand firm. You can look for other employment opportunities without losing a steady source of income. Have you been experiencing health challenges? Go for a medical consultation. A simple dietary adjustment can result in dramatic improvements. Do your best to avoid sugar, fat and alcohol. A diet of fresh produce and lean protein will give you all the energy necessary.

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Going to a party will make you frazzled. Instead of pushing yourself to go to an expensive outing, bow out gracefully. Nobody will judge you for taking time for yourself. Getting in bed after dinner and curling up with a good book is strongly advised. The last thing you want is to join forces with a bunch of partying fools who have no regard for their health or yours. Don't worry. There will be plenty of other chances to let loose and have fun later.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You haven't been able to spend much time at home, which is depleting your energy. Although it won't be possible to change gear now, you should make a definite plan for a staycation. Being able to rest and relax in familiar surroundings will be therapeutic. This interlude will also allow you to reconnect with your nearest and dearest. Let a caring family member give you the royal treatment. You're long overdue for some pampering. Continuing to work with no hope of relief will result in burnout.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Angry words will be exchanged on social media. It's important to stay out of the fray, even if you feel compelled to protect a group of vulnerable people. Everybody knows you are a wonderful humanitarian. You won't have to repeat your position on social justice issues to someone who is spewing hate. When it comes to encountering negative messages, a good rule of thumb is to wait a full day before responding. By that time, you'll realise you are dealing with a troubled individual who doesn't merit your attention.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Resist the temptation to spend money left and right. Protecting your resources will help you survive a trying period involving unexpected expenses. There's nothing wrong with wanting to treat yourself. When you crave an indulgence, give yourself an inexpensive treat. This could be anything from taking a walk in the park to soaking in the bath to preparing some comfort food. By taking the time and trouble to be good to yourself, you'll withstand the economic pressure ahead with minimal stress.

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