
The best way to show people you mean what you say is by how you live your life. It's no use making promises and forgetting them or telling your colleagues you're capable of handling certain responsibilities, only to overlook the need to attend to them as promised. When people ask anything of you today, make a mental note of everything you say. Be firm in your intention to fulfil all obligations. People will lose faith in you if you don't practice what you preach.

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An admirer who is in a position of influence might pull a few strings on your behalf behind the scenes. Whether or not you realise what they're doing for you, the outcome will be a positive one. Your reputation could receive a big boost because of the interest someone is taking in you. If you sense this is not all business related and they also have romantic feelings for you, how you cope with this will depend on whether or not you already have a partner.

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Goals, no matter how important, will be best achieved daily, hourly or weekly by working on them. Work out a schedule to make it so every day you're spending a little time working towards the aims you now set for yourself. This way you won't feel under pressure by leaving it to the last moment and having to do everything at once. You won't feel so overworked too! So set a goal and go for it.

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If someone is being overly critical of your work or views, don't take it too much to heart. It is entirely possible they have issues going on inside their head which make them sound bitter and they're taking this out on you. In romance, if you're the one who is grinding away at your personal expense and emotional cost to make the best of a difficult relationship, ask yourself is it truly worth it? It might be better to cut ties now than to continue being the one who makes all the sacrifices in the future too.

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A close and intimate relationship is about to be radically transformed; you already sense this is going to happen. The catalyst will come soon and it will be as if you and your partner have no choice but to go with the occurring changes. Whether they're good or bad depends on the perspective you look at it from. Knowing it is best not to try to swim against the tide will help you more easily accept what has to be.

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Hard work will bring its just rewards; you will only get out of life what you put into it. There may be people around you who want for nothing and who seem to have everything handed to them on a plate but are they truly happy? Material success is not the only important thing in life although a steady income and secure home will certainly make life more comfortable. Working hard and enjoying the fruits of your hard work is a big plus in your life at the moment.

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Someone might do you a great favour and introduce you to a welcome opportunity. You might get the chance to use your innate skills and you will start to recognise how recent events have forced you to suppress key parts of your personality. Taking up an unexpected offer gives you the chance to revisit the 'real you'. If you're single, a blind date could work out wonderfully well. If you already have a partner, arrange something special like a trip to a spa resort or a romantic dinner for two.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Someone you work with or see every day is growing more and more distant. They may not be doing this consciously and they probably can't see how much damage it is doing to your relationship. A lack of communication means you can't get on the same wavelength and you're starting to wonder whether it's worth continuing the association. Their body language, whether they know it or not, is sending out a secret message saying they aren't interested.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your desire to please people could make you a target for an opportunistic acquaintance. Doing someone constant favours is a drain on your time and energy. If today they ask even more of you and you prefer not to do their bidding, then say so. At least not all relationships are doubtful. For you and a loved one are likely to experience a pioneering feeling this evening when you start on an exciting new joint project.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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No matter what the situation or circumstances you will be doing the best you can and it's how you intend to go on. It may be because you won't always make the best choices. What you choose to do can sometimes be influenced by your upbringing, your past experiences and your worldview. Whatever decisions you make, you will make them with the best intentions and whatever the consequences, you must always know you couldn't have tried any harder.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Whenever you receive invites to business and social get togethers, accept them. If it turns out you can't make it on the day, at least you showed an interest and you've not upset anyone by turning them down. If you're going on a first date be sure to go somewhere you both like. If neither of you feel comfortable with the venue, you aren't likely to relax in each other's company either.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Pursuing a goal seriously will require you to realistically access resources necessary to overcome obstacles. You can and will navigate your way around all stumbling blocks if you have a fair idea of what's ahead. Hope is a fickle fuel and without a sensible strategy, you might never be successful. Plan a practical scheme to take you to your goal.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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