
Trust your insights to a relative's quirks. Understanding the underlying motives for their behaviour will be helpful. Other members of your family are puzzled and frustrated by these outbursts. You understand these disruptive events are rooted in fear. Be ready to confront this troublemaker the next time they try to turn a molehill into a mountain. Refusing to get drawn into a dramatic upheaval will give you the upper hand. Don't ditch your plans to accommodate their needs.

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Working well with others makes you a valued member of the team. Don't be surprised when your employer gives you a difficult assignment. You're the only one capable of talking reason to someone who is always causing problems. After you dispatch this job, ask for a raise. You will certainly have earned the extra money. Your boss appreciates your hard work and will be ready to grant your request. This will be your big chance to pay off debts and open a retirement account.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're extremely driven to realise a goal. Working long hours and making personal sacrifices will come easily. Nothing will stand in the way of your success. Loved ones may feel alienated. You won't be as readily available as you have been in the past. Be open about your situation. Put your superior communication skills to work. Explain that you have to put certain duties ahead of personal relationships now. Ask for support and forbearance. People will be generous when they understand the situation.

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People find your self assurance very attractive. In the past, you adopted a modest attitude. This kept you from achieving the prominence you deserve. Now you realise it is silly to let less talented people overshadow you. When you have a chance to advance, you take it. If that means promoting your abilities, you will do it. Instead of being turned off by your confidence, others will admire it. Don't be surprised when you become a magnet for romantic attention.

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You'll have the approval of family for a bold venture. Moving into your own place is a strong possibility. Although you are a high profile person within your social circle, you may prefer a secluded neighbourhood. Having a quiet haven from the spotlight can be therapeutic. Look for a home that invites you to rest, relax and rejuvenate. If you're happy with your current abode, you could make space for a relative or roommate. This addition to your household will be emotionally grounding.

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You have the patience necessary to succeed. Adapting to a new role has not been easy. There have been many false starts. After a prolonged period of frustration, you are finally breaking through. Give yourself a handsome reward. Splash out on clothes or jewellery. Enjoy a spa treatment. Go out for a gourmet meal. Buy some beautiful books. Do whatever you can to treat yourself. When you give yourself positive reinforcement, it becomes easier to accept and conquer new challenges.

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An opportunity to cultivate financial security will arrive. Don't hesitate to accept a steady job, even if it sounds boring. You'll manage to make a glorious success of this position. A series of promotions will soon have you sitting in a glamorous corner office. The reason for this impressive advancement is your social skills. Your employer knows you work well with people from all walks of life. People enjoy your company and seek out your expertise. This kind of popularity is worth its weight in gold.

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You are no stranger to handling heavy responsibilities. It may be necessary for you to travel on business. Nobody else can be entrusted with such an important job. You will be in your element. Convincing a potential client to sign a deal will raise your professional stature. It could even lead to a chance to live abroad. Adopting a different lifestyle will be revelatory for you. Suddenly, you won't feel tired and misunderstood. Fitting in will come as a welcome relief.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You are very resourceful. Be willing to adopt someone else's role while they're away. Not only will you acquire some valuable skills, but you'll also learn some privileged information. Knowledge is power. Understanding what is happening behind the scenes will give you an edge on the competition. Take advantage of this inside information by investing in a retirement plan or enrolling in an employer sponsored course. Capitalising on these perks will put you in a much more secure financial position. Small sacrifices pay off handsomely later.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Making order out of chaos is your speciality. When someone offers you to take control of an unwieldy group, accept. You'll have to be tough and unrelenting in the early stages. Eventually, you'll see which rules work and which do not. Be mindful about implementing new procedures. People will respect you if you move slowly and thoughtfully. Trying to overhaul everything at once is a sign of desperation. Breathe deep and know you have the ability to redeem this team.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If you hear a great job is about to become available, get ready to apply. Time is of the essence. Update your CV, collect impressive work samples and practice your interviewing skills. Don't be afraid to pursue a high level position that seems beyond your scope. You have always been a fast learner. People who hire others for a living will quickly perceive this. Assuming heavy responsibilities will be easier for you than most. In addition, you can work independently, which is a strength you should emphasise.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have the discipline necessary to master a complicated subject. Don't worry if you feel like you're totally in the dark during the preliminary sessions. Ask lots of questions and give yourself plenty of encouragement. Eventually, you'll be able to make sense of what seems like a foreign language. An instructor who admires your creativity will be able to adjust their teaching methods to your learning style. This will help you sail to the head of the class.

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