
Making money in unusual ways gives you pleasure. Instead of participating in the rat race, you prefer jobs that feel more like play than work. People think you're extremely lucky, but they're wrong. Your willingness to take risks creates lucrative opportunities. Don't discuss your spiritual life with casual acquaintances. This is a deeply personal matter for you. Talking about your beliefs with sceptical people will rob you of joy. If a nosy person asks probing questions, simply respond with a smile and change the subject.

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You make friends quickly. People love your earthy sense of humour and hospitable nature. When you throw a party, everybody shows up. Plan a casual get together for the near future. You'll have a wonderful time and make some valuable contacts through friends of friends. If you're developing an app, product or service, you can get funding from a prominent institution. Talk to an educational, cultural or government agency about your idea. A prominent official will be impressed by your vision and write you a big cheque.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Your energy, initiative and drive cultivate professional success. Don't listen to nay-sayers who insist you must work for the corporate world to make lots of money. You can earn a great income from a career in the arts or charitable field. Working with innovative, unusual people is highly satisfying for you. Instead of having to convince your colleagues to take risks, they'll quickly grasp the intelligence of your ideas. Their enthusiasm is infectious and paves the way for much success.

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Unusual ideas about life help you make the most of it. Instead of giving into negative concepts about aging, money and health, you adopt the views of an unrelenting optimist. As a result, you thrive as you get older and make money during economic downturns. Your willingness to try new things results in exciting learning opportunities. Be open to trying foreign cuisine, attending a friend's house of worship or reading a challenging book. You'll be delightfully surprised.

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Your passionate nature gets an enthusiastic reception. If you're in a relationship, sneak off to a romantic hideaway with your amour. You'll enjoy an exciting interlude together. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a spiritual or artistic event. A chance to expand your intellectual horizons will arrive unexpectedly. If you get a chance to study with a gifted teacher, grab it. Don't waste time deliberating whether you should attend this course, as spaces will fill quickly.

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Your unique work methods seem strange to colleagues at first, but quickly will become popular. Colleagues can't deny that you're the most productive person in the organisation. By adopting your methods, they'll achieve a similar level of success. Be willing to teach some crash courses. You don't like being told what to do by your best friend or romantic partner. Take this opportunity to assert your independence, whether it's taking a solitary holiday or entering a competition. This will take the pressure off your union.

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Teaming up with someone who is rebellious will be good for you. Too often, you worry about what people will think of your behaviour and ideas. By sticking close to your offbeat partner, you'll learn how much fun it is to go against the grain. Acquiring more mechanical skills will improve your job prospects. Learn how to operate a sophisticated machine, fix equipment or make things from metal. You'll quickly get more work than you can handle by yourself.

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An unexpected job offer is worth taking. Working from home will be especially satisfying. It's easy to be productive when you're not being monitored. You also enjoy being able to escape an antiseptic office environment that is either too hot or cold. When you feel restless, go out and get some exercise. The simple act of taking a brisk walk will promote good emotional and physical health. You get the best ideas when you're moving your body in the fresh air.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Don't be afraid to settle far from your childhood home. Trying a totally different lifestyle will help you grow and change. It's possible you'll discover many hidden talents after being forced to learn new skills. Be open to learn from a gruff instructor. Embarking on an unusual romance will be exciting. It's fun to be with someone who is impulsive and experimental. Do you already have a partner? Take a spur of the moment holiday with your amour. You'll both enjoy this sudden break from your routines.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Listen to an artistic impulse; it is the seed of an extraordinary creative work. Experimenting with unfamiliar materials will be stimulating. When you give yourself permission to play, petty problems vanish into thin air. You also become more attractive to romance. Speak your mind about a social matter. You're tired of listening to cruel statements about vulnerable people. By standing up for the underdog, you'll win a loyal following. People admire your willingness to confront bullies and challenge their awful behaviour.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Don't worry if your home life isn't like anyone else's. As a child, you hated worrying about what the neighbours would think. Now you're older, you can do as you please without fear. Be proud of your unique lifestyle; it's a mark of courage. Going after a moneymaking opportunity will be lots of fun. You'll enjoy competing with other talented people. If you stay focused, you'll win the top prize. Your future boss is impressed by your creative vision.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Keep your feelings under wraps. If rivals don't know how deeply you care about a situation, they won't interfere with your plans. Don't discuss your agenda with naysayers and cynics, either. The last thing you want is to be discouraged. You're not interested in playing it safe. Venturing into unknown territory will be a wonderful learning experience. Not only will you acquire some valuable skills, but you'll get much closer to a cherished dream. You can take risks while operating by stealth.

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